A tiny (<1KB), fast, and cryptographically UUID (v4) generator for Crystal


This is great!

Do you think you could send that, or something similar, as a PR to the main crystal repository? Ideally there shouldn’t be a need to have multiple UUID implementations if we can have a good one in the standard library.

Actually, nevermind, I can try to optimize it and see if I can reach the same level of performance as yours. Then we wouldn’t need to have multiple copies of UUID.


I modified your code a little and here are my results:

bash-3.2$ ./benchmark
Crystal 0.33.0 (2020-02-14)

LLVM: 9.0.1
Default target: x86_64-apple-macosx
        UUIX:   2.86M (349.14ns) (± 2.04%)  180B/op        fastest
Crystal UUID: 798.78k (  1.25µs) (± 1.18%)  0.0B/op   3.59× slower

Here is the code:

module UUIX
  VERSION = "0.1.0"
  SLIDE = 3

  @@SIZE : Int32 = 1024
  @@IDX : Int32 = 0
  @@BUFFER : Bytes  = Bytes.empty

  @@HEX : Array(String) = Array(String).new(256) do |i|
    (i + 256).to_s(16)[1..]

  def self.random
    if @@BUFFER.size == 0 || ((@@IDX + 16 + SLIDE) > @@SIZE)
      @@BUFFER = Random.new.random_bytes(@@SIZE)
      @@IDX = 0

    arr = @@BUFFER[@@IDX..(@@IDX + 16)]
    @@IDX += SLIDE

    String.build do |str|
      (0..3).each do |idx|
        str << @@HEX[arr[idx]]
      str << '-' 
      str << @@HEX[arr[4]]
      str << @@HEX[arr[5]]
      str << '-' 
      str << @@HEX[arr[6] & 15 | 64]
      str << @@HEX[arr[7]]
      str << '-' 
      str << @@HEX[arr[8] & 63 | 128]
      str << @@HEX[arr[9]]
      str << '-' 
      arr[10..15].each do |val|
        str << @@HEX[val]

Size of the buffer does not affect speed much, I tried different sizes and on 64KB it has a little bit of boost but much below 0.1% so I stick with 1024 bytes.

Also in your code it is using Random and not Random::Secure so it is not much cryptographically secure. You have to modify your code a little by adding ::Secure to the Random and remove new.
So it will look like this: @@BUFFER = Random::Secure.random_bytes(@@SIZE)

With Random::Secure my code is little bit slower but still nice performance boost:

bash-3.2$ ./benchmark
Crystal 0.33.0 (2020-02-14)

LLVM: 9.0.1
Default target: x86_64-apple-macosx
        UUIX:   2.12M (471.14ns) (± 3.60%)  180B/op        fastest
Crystal UUID: 782.34k (  1.28µs) (± 2.41%)  0.0B/op   2.71× slower
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Look at my modification in this thread. It has quite a good performance. SLIDE allows to define a window to shift. It still makes GUID unique as it is quite low probability that shifted GIUDS will be identical but it decreases amount of generation of random data.

It can be modified to run even faster by allocating fixed Bytes slice and set it directly there and then at the end to make string out of Bytes.

How impressive! I think I’ll add these changes to the library. Give me your GitHub user to add you to the README

Just a note: the optimization might be good but it’s not thread safe. If two fibers want to produce a random value, and it’s running in multithreading, then a data race might happen. You could introduce a mutex but then the performance will be degraded.

For now I will only modify the final part of the algorithm: the generation of the string.

I made it even faster:

module UUIX
  VERSION = "0.1.0"
  SLIDE = 1

  @@SIZE : Int32 = 4096
  @@IDX : Int32 = 0
  @@BUFFER : Bytes  = Bytes.empty
  @@HEX_VALUES : StaticArray(UInt8, 16) = StaticArray[0x30_u8, 0x31_u8, 0x32_u8, 0x33_u8, 0x34_u8, 0x35_u8,
                                                      0x36_u8, 0x37_u8, 0x38_u8, 0x39_u8, 0x61_u8, 0x62_u8,
                                                      0x63_u8, 0x64_u8, 0x65_u8, 0x66_u8]

  macro binToHex (result, pos, hexValue)
    {{result}}[{{pos}}] = @@HEX_VALUES[{{hexValue}} >> 4 & 0xF]
    {{result}}[{{pos+1}}] = @@HEX_VALUES[{{hexValue}} & 0xF]

  def self.random
    result = Bytes.new(37)
    if @@BUFFER.size == 0 || ((@@IDX + 16 + SLIDE) > @@SIZE)
      @@BUFFER = Random::Secure.random_bytes(@@SIZE)
      @@IDX = 0

    arr = @@BUFFER[@@IDX..(@@IDX + 16)]
    @@IDX += SLIDE

    binToHex(result, 0, arr[0])
    binToHex(result, 2, arr[1])
    binToHex(result, 4, arr[2])
    binToHex(result, 6, arr[3])
    result[8] = 0x2d_u8
    binToHex(result, 9, arr[4])
    binToHex(result, 11, arr[5])
    result[13] = 0x2d_u8
    binToHex(result, 14, (arr[6] | 64))
    binToHex(result, 16, arr[7])
    result[18] = 0x2d_u8
    binToHex(result, 19, (arr[8] | 128))
    binToHex(result, 21, arr[9])
    result[23] = 0x2d_u8
    binToHex(result, 24, arr[10])
    binToHex(result, 26, arr[11])
    binToHex(result, 28, arr[12])
    binToHex(result, 30, arr[13])
    binToHex(result, 32, arr[14])
    binToHex(result, 34, arr[15])

It gives 6x speed improvement for Random::Secure:

bash-3.2$ ./benchmark
Crystal 0.33.0 (2020-02-14)

LLVM: 9.0.1
Default target: x86_64-apple-macosx
        UUIX:   4.67M (213.98ns) (± 3.00%)  113B/op        fastest
Crystal UUID: 783.57k (  1.28µs) (± 2.15%)  0.0B/op   5.96× slower

and it is faster for Random.

My GitHub userid is skuznetsov


It is possible to put it behind the mutex.
In this case we have to create a bigger random buffer so it will decrease the probability of locking.
My last code is very small and fast so it will make locking probability even less.

This is repost of my response to https://github.com/lukeed/uuid/issues/1

I was able to achieve even more impressive speed on my MacBook:

Crystal 0.33.0 (2020-02-14)

LLVM: 9.0.1
Default target: x86_64-apple-macosx
        UUIX:   5.92M (169.04ns) (±10.99%)  113B/op        fastest
Crystal UUID: 770.02k (  1.30µs) (± 3.55%)  0.0B/op   7.68× slower

This is with secure random buffer equal to 16MB and 1 byte shift (instead of original 16 as it is still unique and probability of generation of the same sequence is even less possible than with shift to 16) so it is quite good results with just 169 nanoseconds per one hash (including random data generation).
Also by some reason 16 MB buffer is fastest. sizes above and below are giving lower results.

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Hi all! I’m author of the JavaScript module – thank you @krthr for porting this over :)

In JS-land, pre-allocating a 4096-length Buffer (versus, say, 1024) had a measurable effect in performance. This is because (again, in JS land), it’s quite expensive to instantiate and fill the ArrayBuffer with random values. We have access to a crypto module that is a CSPRNG.

I’m not sure of the mechanics or internals of Crystal (one day I’d like to!) but I’m sure this is why the port includes the magic 4096 number.

This also leads me to ask: What kind of randomizer is Random.new.random_bytes? Is it cryptographically safe, or is it the equivalent of JS’ Math.random()?

If it’s effectively Math.random then I have another solution that yielded 50% improvement on my side. Maybe it’ll have a similar effect in Crystal?

Edit: Should have read the thread title :man_facepalming:


Instead of doing Bytes.new, then String.new with that, you can just do String.new(size) do |buffer| and get a pointer to the string’s buffer. That way you avoid allocating twice.

Try this (or your newer code, but with this modification). It should be a bit faster:

module UUIX
  VERSION = "0.1.0"
  SLIDE   = 1

  @@SIZE : Int32 = 4096
  @@IDX : Int32 = 0
  @@BUFFER : Bytes = Bytes.empty
  @@HEX_VALUES : StaticArray(UInt8, 16) = StaticArray[0x30_u8, 0x31_u8, 0x32_u8, 0x33_u8, 0x34_u8, 0x35_u8,
    0x36_u8, 0x37_u8, 0x38_u8, 0x39_u8, 0x61_u8, 0x62_u8,
    0x63_u8, 0x64_u8, 0x65_u8, 0x66_u8]

  macro binToHex(result, pos, hexValue)
    {{result}}[{{pos}}] = @@HEX_VALUES[{{hexValue}} >> 4 & 0xF]
    {{result}}[{{pos + 1}}] = @@HEX_VALUES[{{hexValue}} & 0xF]

  def self.random
    if @@BUFFER.size == 0 || ((@@IDX + 16 + SLIDE) > @@SIZE)
      @@BUFFER = Random::Secure.random_bytes(@@SIZE)
      @@IDX = 0

    arr = @@BUFFER[@@IDX..(@@IDX + 16)]
    @@IDX += SLIDE

    String.new(36) do |result|
      binToHex(result, 0, arr[0])
      binToHex(result, 2, arr[1])
      binToHex(result, 4, arr[2])
      binToHex(result, 6, arr[3])
      result[8] = 0x2d_u8
      binToHex(result, 9, arr[4])
      binToHex(result, 11, arr[5])
      result[13] = 0x2d_u8
      binToHex(result, 14, (arr[6] | 64))
      binToHex(result, 16, arr[7])
      result[18] = 0x2d_u8
      binToHex(result, 19, (arr[8] | 128))
      binToHex(result, 21, arr[9])
      result[23] = 0x2d_u8
      binToHex(result, 24, arr[10])
      binToHex(result, 26, arr[11])
      binToHex(result, 28, arr[12])
      binToHex(result, 30, arr[13])
      binToHex(result, 32, arr[14])
      binToHex(result, 34, arr[15])
      {36, 36}

require "benchmark"
require "uuid"

Benchmark.ips do |x|
  x.report("UUIX:") do

  x.report("Crystal UUID:") do
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It’s equivalent to Math.random(). But UUID in Crystal is cryptographically safe, it uses Random::Secure by default which is not equivalent to Math.random().

Got it, thanks! So then the Crystal fork would/should be modified for parity to begin with – that is, if it can’t be merged into core.

Here are new JS numbers running w/ 4096 and a slide=1:

  @lukeed/next                 x 6,447,983 ops/sec ±0.31% (93 runs sampled)
  @lukeed/uuid                 x 2,544,311 ops/sec ±0.30% (94 runs sampled)

Thanks for the feedback!

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Is it okay that asking uuids reutilizes many bytes from previous uuids? It sounds a bit… not random?

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It is still unique though.

I don’t know. Maybe if I know the GUID of an object I can try guessing other GUIDs by popping the first letter and trying 16 different combinations. Doesn’t sound very secure to me…

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