Build with --release performance is slow than the 2017 crystal version?

That said, some minor changes bring down the time to a fraction of the original:

size = 10 ** 5
a = (1..size).map { {rand(1000), rand(1000)} }

def dist(u, v)
  (u[0] - v[0]).abs + (u[1] - v[1]).abs

a.each_with_index { |u, i|
  print "\r#{i}" if i % 100 == 0
  ((i + 1)..(a.size - 1)).each { |v|
    dist(u, a[v]) < 3


real	0m22,396s
user	0m22,395s
sys	0m0,001s

on my machine where the original took 1.35 minutes