Crystal 1.11 has been released!

A previously compiled app with 1.11.0-dev-1 gave stripped binary of: 465544 bytes.
The same app with the just released 1.11.0 gave stripped binary of: 1033480 bytes.
This is a bit larger than the stripped binary using 1.10.1.

Just wondering why the dev’s stripped binary is less than half the size of the release version?

I got nothing off the top of my head. Would you know exactly which commit 1.11.0-dev-1 was built with?

It was this one.

Crystal 1.11.0-dev [e00a0a4f3] (2023-12-24)

LLVM: 15.0.7
Default target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

I No still getting the same issue

e:\programming\source\repos\git\crystal_repos\ameba>shards build --release
Dependencies are satisfied
Building: ameba
Error target ameba failed to compile:
Error: Cannot locate the .lib files for the following libraries: libcmt, advapi32, libvcruntime, shell32, ole32, WS2_32, kernel32, legacy_stdio_definitions, DbgHelp, libucrt

On windows you need to open a cmd shell then insert

%comspec% /k "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 15.0\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"

After this change your path inside the cmd shell to the location of your app and build your app


Actually you don’t have to open a Visual Studio command prompt. It works without doing that. I was using Microsoft Visual Studio preview and something was wrong with that. I installed the latest Visual Studio Professional (non preview) and uninstalled preview and it is now working. Any hints, ideas on how to get debugging working on Visual Studio, not Visual Studio Code?

Congrats :tada: on the new build :+1: