RFC: `&.` within a block

Revisiting it once again, I still propose to treat &. in two ways:

  1. As the first block argument (like it is now):
["a", "b"].map &.upcase
# Expands to
["a", "b"].map { |x| x.upcase }
def foo(&block : String, String ->)
  yield "foo", "bar"

puts foo &.upcase # FOO
  1. As the first block argument (proposed): it’s not a typo
["a", "b"].map { &.upcase }
# Expands to
["a", "b"].map { |x| x.upcase }
def foo(&block : String, String ->)
  yield "foo", "bar"

puts foo { &.upcase } # FOO

I honestly do not understand why you don’t approve it.

Some considerations:

Q: What if is there are multiple block arguments?
A: &. should be the first argument shortcut, others are omitted. If you want multiple args, specify them explicitly. &. would still work in this case:

["a", "b"].map_with_index { &.upcase } # OK
["a", "b"].map_with_index { |s, i| &.upcase * i } # OK

Q: What about nested blocks?
A: In case of nesting, the deeper block takes precedence:

"foo".tap do
  ["a", "b"].map_with_index { &.upcase } # Expands to `s.upcase`

"foo".tap do
  ["a", "b"].map_with_index { |s, i| &.upcase } # Still expands to `s.upcase`

Q: What is your use-case?
A: Onyx::SQL join query yields a nested query. Instead of this:

posts = Onyx.query(Post
  .join(:author) do |x|
    x.join(:settings) do |y|
      y.where(active: true)

I could write this:

posts = Onyx.query(Post
  .join(:author) do
    &.join(:settings) do
      &.where(active: true)

I’d love to hear @bcardiff’s opinion on this proposal.

P.S: &n syntax is ugly.