I’m looking at building desktop apps for win/linux/mac
I was going to use electron but I’m getting tired of node. You have to install 80GB of packages just to do “hello world”
I’m looking at building desktop apps for win/linux/mac
I was going to use electron but I’m getting tired of node. You have to install 80GB of packages just to do “hello world”
I have no experience, I found:
https://github.com/oprypin/crystal-imgui, done by @oprypin
However, Crystal can’t be used for Windows yet. There are other languages using imgui.
If you like Qt/C++: https://develop.kde.org/docs/kirigami/
There are still some restrictions, but for the most part Crystal runs very well natively on Windows!
Demonstration of GUI development: Running Crystal natively on Windows, building videogame examples - Blog - Oleh Prypin
I don’t have any experience with any of these, but there are a number of shards available at https://shardbox.org/categories/GUI_library