➜ ~ crystal -v
Crystal 0.35.1 [5999ae29b] (2020-06-19)
LLVM: 8.0.0
Default target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Intel Core i7-6700HQ bits: 64 type: 4C/8T; 800/3500 MHz
I ran a comparison of doing a primalitytest
on the same prime value of type u64
and BigInt
, and BigInt
value was substantially slower than the u64
Does his expose an inefficient implementation of BigInt
by Crystal, or this an inherent characteristic to be expected (lived with)?
I would have assumed BigInt
would check to see if the value could be represented by the system architecture before translating it to another format.
Also, when running the testcode, I see using htop
, for the u64
value the process runs on a single thread close to the max system clock freq until finished, but for BigInt
the process is spread over the (8) threads at much lower freqs.
require "big"
def prime?(n) # P3 Prime Generator primality test
return n | 1 == 3 if n < 5 # n: 2,3|true; 0,1,4|false
return false if n.gcd(6) != 1 # this filters out 2/3 of all integers
pc = typeof(n).new(5) # first P3 prime candidates sequence value
until pc*pc > n
return false if n % pc == 0 || n % (pc + 2) == 0 # if n is composite
pc += 6 # 1st prime candidate for next residues group
def prime1?(n) # P3 Prime Generator primality test
return n | 1 == 3 if n < 5 # n: 2,3|true; 0,1,4|false
return false if n.gcd(6) != 1 # this filters out 2/3 of all integers
pc = typeof(n).new(5) # first P3 prime candidates sequence value
sqrtN = typeof(n).new(Math.sqrt(n))
until pc > sqrtN
return false if n % pc == 0 || n % (pc + 2) == 0 # if n is composite
pc += 6 # 1st prime candidate for next residues group
def tm; t = Time.monotonic; yield; Time.monotonic - t end
# 20 digit prime
n = 12345678901234567891u64 # u64 value
print "\n number = #{n} is prime "; print " in ", tm{ print prime?(n) }, " secs"
print "\n number = #{n} is prime "; print " in ", tm{ print prime1?(n) }, " secs"
# 20 digit prime
n = "12345678901234567891".to_big_i # BigInt vaue
print "\n number = #{n} is prime "; print " in ", tm{ print prime?(n) }, " secs"
print "\n number = #{n} is prime "; print " in ", tm{ print prime1?(n) }, " secs"
Timing results.
# For u64
number = 12345678901234567891 is prime true in 00:00:10.394791582 secs
number = 12345678901234567891 is prime true in 00:00:09.589179257 secs
# For BigInt
number = 12345678901234567891 is prime true in 00:01:58.417328276 secs
number = 12345678901234567891 is prime true in 00:01:38.544755966 secs
9/10 to 98/118 seconds is a big 10x+ unexpected difference for the same value.