I have an amber project that fails to compile after upgrading Crystal.
The error in question:
There was a problem expanding macro '__concrete'
Code in lib/optarg/src/lib/value_types/string_array.cr:3:5
3 | __concrete Array(::String), et: ::String
Called macro defined in lib/optarg/src/lib/value_types/base.cr:5:5
5 | macro __concrete(t, et = nil)
Which expanded to:
> 10 |
> 11 | alias ElementType = ::String
> 12 | alias ElementValue = ::Optarg::ValueTypes::::String::Value
(code links)
It’s obvious that the problem is that {{et.id}} expands to ::String rather than String, but is this intended behaviour? Is there a way to get the type unprefixed with ::?
Might be possible to just refactor things a bit more to remove the need to have et entirely. Seems a bit redundant given you can extract String from the Array(::String). Something like t.type_vars.first.resolve.name.id. This assumes that given Array(T) that et always is T tho.
If symmetry is that impt, could prob do the opposite and remove the :: within the macro via like ::Optarg::ValueTypes::{{et.resolve.name.id}}::Value.