I think in the CONST definition Int32 is just a Path node, but in the macro call it’s a TypeNode, and they are not equal. We could make try to make them equal, or resolve hash keys but it’s a bit complex… why do you need this?
class Foo
class Bar
CONST = {Int32 => 1}
macro path(path)
{{puts CONST[path]}}
The reason is that Int32 is passed as a Path node to the macro, and it remains a Path unless you resolve it. But in macros a Path is immediately resolved.
We could maybe add a path macro method to get a Path, for example doing {{ path(Int32) }} would get you Int32 as a Path node.
But macros are already pretty complex. As I always say, I would try to avoid them at all cost, except for simple uses.
Ah that makes sense. I was playing around with some refactoring in Granite where I would map a Crystal type to a record representing a database type. like {Int32 => Integer, Int64 => BigInteger} that internally would handle how to convert the value to/from the database. I could easily enough just use String keys, was just curious if there was something else going on.
TypeNode#path is not good because if you type Bar it might resolve to Foo::Bar and then the path will be Foo::Bar, not Bar. In fact, matching on Path might not be good because of this reason, so I don’t know.