Compiler issue with non-existent NIL conditions

Crystal 0.34

This code will compile and run.

def palindromegen(digit, count)
  nums = [] of UInt64
  nn  = digit * 11
  num = 0.to_u64
  (2..).each do |pow|
    base = 10_u64**(pow >> 1)
    n1   = base * digit
    n2   = base * (digit + 1)
    n1.step(to: n2 - 1, by: 10) do |n1|
      ns = (n1 // 10).to_s
      (n1..n1 + 9).each_with_index do |pal, i|
        num = (pal.to_s + pal.to_s.reverse).to_u64      if pow.odd?
        num = (ns + "0" + ns.reverse).to_u64 + base * i if pow.even?
        nums << num if num % nn  == 0
        return nums if nums.size == count

count = 20
puts "First 20 palindromic gapful numbers 100 ending with:"
(1..9).each { |digit| print "#{digit} : #{palindromegen(digit, count)}\n" }

But when I add another print statement it fails to compile, because of the statement ...last(15)

def palindromegen(digit, count)
  nums = [] of UInt64
  nn  = digit * 11
  num = 0.to_u64
  (2..).each do |pow|
    base = 10_u64**(pow >> 1)
    n1   = base * digit
    n2   = base * (digit + 1)
    n1.step(to: n2 - 1, by: 10) do |n1|
      ns = (n1 // 10).to_s
      (n1..n1 + 9).each_with_index do |pal, i|
        num = (pal.to_s + pal.to_s.reverse).to_u64      if pow.odd?
        num = (ns + "0" + ns.reverse).to_u64 + base * i if pow.even?
        nums << num if num % nn  == 0
        return nums if nums.size == count

count = 20
puts "First 20 palindromic gapful numbers 100 ending with:"
(1..9).each { |digit| print "#{digit} : #{palindromegen(digit, count)}\n" }
count = 100
puts "\nLast 15 of first 100 palindromic gapful numbers ending in:"
(1..9).each { |digit| print "#{digit} : #{palindromegen(digit, count).last(15)}\n"

âžś  rosettacode crystal build --release
Showing last frame. Use --error-trace for full trace.


 27 | (1..9).each { |digit| print "#{digit} : #{palindromegen(digit, count).last(15)}\n" }
Error: undefined method 'last' for Nil (compile-time type is (Array(UInt64) | Nil))

The simplest way I got it to compile was to add the line nums at the end of the method.

def palindromegen(digit, count)
  nums = [] of UInt64
  nn  = digit * 11
  num = 0.to_u64
  (2..).each do |pow|
    base = 10_u64**(pow >> 1)
    n1   = base * digit
    n2   = base * (digit + 1)
    n1.step(to: n2 - 1, by: 10) do |n1|
      ns = (n1 // 10).to_s
      (n1..n1 + 9).each_with_index do |pal, i|
        num = (pal.to_s + pal.to_s.reverse).to_u64      if pow.odd?
        num = (ns + "0" + ns.reverse).to_u64 + base * i if pow.even?
        nums << num if num % nn  == 0
        return nums if nums.size == count
  nums  # <- need to add this for it to compile for all outputs

count = 20
puts "First 20 palindromic gapful numbers 100 ending with:"
(1..9).each { |digit| print "#{digit} : #{palindromegen(digit, count)}\n" }
count = 100
puts "\nLast 15 of first 100 palindromic gapful numbers ending in:"
(1..9).each { |digit| print "#{digit} : #{palindromegen(digit, count).last(15)}\n" }

This is a total hack, that should be unnecessary, because I consider this a compiler bug.
At the very least, the error message should be more detailed and suggest how to fix it.

I mean the compiler isn’t wrong here. In its current state, it is possible for palindromegen to return nil (even if it doesn’t actually happen in practice).

return nums if nums.size == count, This is why the method actually works, since this would return the values early. However since this is conditional, the compiler is taking into account the case where this statement is not true, thus the return type of the method would be the last expression in the method, i.e. the .each, which returns nil.

The first example is fine since nil is a valid value to be printed. However when you try to call a method on the return value, you’re not accounting for nil (even if in practice it wont be).

The options would be:

  1. Do what you’re doing so that .each isn’t the returned value
  2. Add a .not_nil!, palindromegen(digit, count).not_nil!.last(15)
  3. Refactor the method to maybe use .map or something so that the iteration method itself returns the value

If you don’t expect to reach execution after each, add raise "unreachable", problem solved.

Another alternative: break twice from the loop, then always return a value at the end of the method.

After reading the docs I figured it out by doing this.

def palindromegen(digit, count)
  nums = [] of UInt64
  nn  = digit * 11
  num = 0.to_u64
  (2..).each do |pow|
    base = 10_u64**(pow >> 1)
    n1   = base * digit
    n2   = base * (digit + 1)
    n1.step(to: n2 - 1, by: 10) do |n1|
      ns = (n1 // 10).to_s
      (n1..n1 + 9).each_with_index do |pal, i|
        num = (pal.to_s + pal.to_s.reverse).to_u64      if pow.odd?
        num = (ns + "0" + ns.reverse).to_u64 + base * i if pow.even?
        nums << num if num % nn  == 0
        return nums if nums.size == count

count = 20
puts "First 20 palindromic gapful numbers 100 ending with:"
(1..9).each { |digit| print "#{digit} : #{palindromegen(digit, count)}\n" }
count = 100
puts "\nLast 15 of first 100 palindromic gapful numbers ending in:"
(1..9).each { |digit| print "#{digit} : #{palindromegen(digit, count).not_nil!.last(15)}\n" }

But now I have to add this into all my other (6) output lines. It’s easier to just keep the nums line in the method, then I don’t have to worry about (and should never have to in the first place) the form of the output statement.

This is a bad design choice for the compiler.
Perfectly otherwise correct code is now dependent on its external use, based on the form of output statements. Really! This is not user friendly.

For this case, at most this should only be a compiler warning, to let the user be aware of the possible condition, and let them deal with it (or not).

If I hadn’t systematically built up my test conditions I would have never caught this, because there was no compiler error using just the initial output statement. These are lurking gotchas in the language, and completely un[expected|intuitive].

Excuse me for my tone, I spent too many early morning hours trying to understand|fix this and am still a little perturbed.

So you want the compiler to allow this? Yea that’s not going to happen. The point of this error is to prevent you from calling methods on nil. Having that be a warning would defeat the purpose as we would be back in Ruby land, at which point you my as well use Ruby if you don’t want to take advantage of the type saftey.

If the code was perfectly correct, there wouldn’t have been an error in the first place :wink:. I would advise refactoring your method to account for this case.

Also, please give a detailed explanation of why the insertion of the nums line at the end of the method, which is never reached, compiles and runs correctly for all output.

def palindromegen(digit, count)
  nums = [] of UInt64
  nn  = digit * 11
  num = 0.to_u64
  (2..).each do |pow|
    base = 10_u64**(pow >> 1)
    n1   = base * digit
    n2   = base * (digit + 1)
    n1.step(to: n2 - 1, by: 10) do |n1|
      ns = (n1 // 10).to_s
      (n1..n1 + 9).each_with_index do |pal, i|
        num = (pal.to_s + pal.to_s.reverse).to_u64      if pow.odd?
        num = (ns + "0" + ns.reverse).to_u64 + base * i if pow.even?
        nums << num if num % nn  == 0
        return nums if nums.size == count

count = 20
puts "First 20 palindromic gapful numbers 100 ending with:"
(1..9).each { |digit| print "#{digit} : #{palindromegen(digit, count)}\n" }
count = 100
puts "\nLast 15 of first 100 palindromic gapful numbers ending in:"
(1..9).each { |digit| print "#{digit} : #{palindromegen(digit, count).last(15)}\n" }
count = 1000
puts "\nLast 10 of first 1000 palindromic gapful numbers ending in:"
(1..9).each { |digit| print "#{digit} : #{palindromegen(digit, count).last(10)}\n" }
count = 100_000
puts "\n100,000th palindromic gapful number ending with:"
(1..9).each { |digit| print "#{digit} : #{palindromegen(digit, count).last}\n" }
count = 1_000_000
puts "\n1,000,000th palindromic gapful number ending with:"
(1..9).each { |digit| print "#{digit} : #{palindromegen(digit, count).last}\n" }
count = 10_000_000
puts "\n10,000,000th palindromic gapful number ending with:"
(1..9).each { |digit| print "#{digit} : #{palindromegen(digit, count).last}\n" }


tl;dr your return nums if ... in practice is always going to happen. However, the compiler is taking into account the case where it doesn’t return. Thus the return value of the method would be the return value of .each, which is nil, thus resulting in nil being a possible return value of the method.

By providing nums at the end, you’re ensuring the return type of the method is always going to be an Array(UInt64), accounting for the case where return nums if .. doesn’t happen (which it doesn’t in practice).

A better solution would be not to rely upon returning early within a nested iteration.

I think it might be possible to make (2..).each generate while true so the compiler knows it never ends. Then it will work just fine.

Challenge there is you lose the reference the value. Another solution would be to do something like that tho: Need to keep the current pow count manually. So it’s not as simple as converting it to while true.

Nah, I have it working, though slightly hacky. I’ll make a PR, let’s see how easy it its.

If I implement Range#each like this it works:

  def each : Nil
    {% if B == Nil %}
      {% raise "Can't each beginless range" %}
    {% end %}

    current = @begin
    if current.nil?
      raise"Can't each beginless range")

    yield current

    {% if E == Nil %}
      while true
        {{ "yield current" }}
        current = current.succ
    {% else %}
      end_value = @end

      while end_value.nil? || current < end_value
        {{ "yield current" }}
        current = current.succ
    {% end %}

But I had to interpolate inside macro, otherwise it complains about abstract stuff, I don’t know why.

@jzakiya in any case this is very easy to figure out:

  • your method last expression is a each
  • each returns nil
  • the compiler is telling you something is nil
  • if you compile with --error-trace the compiler points to each

Maybe put a bit more effort into understanding what the compiler is telling you?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the semantics of the code.
The code is correct and runs. The problem isn’t the code it’s the compiler enforcing an unnecessary condition, not on the method, but on its use.

Yes, I want the code to fail at runtime! (This would never happen for this code’s use.)
This would tell me there isn’t enough date in the array, which would be obvious to deal with.
The way it is now you are making a hypothetical determination on the runtime use of the method, which is totally inconsistent and subjective.

The compiler should only fail for definitive compile time structural issues, and leave runtime issues for the user to deal with (though the compiler may issue warning notices of potential problems).

I’m assuming (and I appreciate any correction if this is wrong) that you’re coming from Ruby (or a similar language) and interested in Crystal primarily for speed. That’s a valid path to come to this language, but I personally came to Crystal because of its combination of readability/ease-of-use and safety. Compile-time safety is, I think, one of the central components of the ethos of Crystal development. If you’re going to be using Crystal code in some real, potentially long-running application, then it doesn’t make sense to allow a potential runtime error that might be a wild corner case when you could easily catch it at compile-time. Aside from that point, it seems like it would be a gargantuan amount of work (and destructive of most of the core parts of the language) to just make it a runtime error. The type system is integral to Crystal, and this problem (as you think of it) that you’re running into is really just a result of the type system.

Now, if @HankAnderson’s solution ends up making sense and becoming part of the language, the difficulty of this particular will go away for you. However, at the end of the day, the compiler can only do so much type inference. The compiler doesn’t know that it’s inevitable that nums.size == count will eventually be true (and is the only way to break out of this loop). Even if you have a simple conditional, the compiler still plays it safe (which I think is fair):

a = 3

if a == 5
  b = 0
  b = nil

p! typeof(b) # => (Int32 | Nil)

Anyway, I agree with @Blacksmoke16 that a better way to do this would be to find a way to use an Enumerable method or something to return the nums array directly, instead of requiring the explicit return and the nums below. That may not be feasible, though. An explicit nums really isn’t that bad; if you’re writing any code that you intend to put out in the world, eventually someone will probably have to read it (this is especially the case with Rosetta Code, which is meant to be read for comprehension), and it actually helps to be more explicit.

Can we keep the focus on the issues and not the messenger.

There is nothing semantically wrong with the method’s code. It only “failed” to compile when I added an additional output statement using last(). But when I include in the method the never reached line at the end nums, all the output statements run with no compiler errors.

  1. A fundamental question is then, why does nums line allow compiling for all outputs?
    I assume this isn’t the mechanics for writing code, so then it’s a bug, and it needs to be fixed.

  2. Why doesn’t the compiler flag the nums line as an error/warning?
    The compiler knows the code aborts inside the loop, so why does adding this line that is never reached not only makes it compile, but doesn’t throw an error/warning?

  3. Why does the compiler conclude last() at runtime could be NIL?
    Each output statement is given a constant value at compile time to determine the size of the nums array. So why then doesn’t the compiler know that for each output statement there will always be enough data in the array to satisfy the last() condition?

Look, it’s good that these issues are identified now before 1.0.
You should be trying to eliminate as much technical debt as possible now, and not carry it forward, which will make it harder (but not impossible) to fix/remove.

I would hope people would be curious enough to want to understand the answers to these questions, and try to fix them to make the language more consistent|correct and thus easier and more fun for users to code with.

struct PalindromicGapfuls
  include Enumerable(UInt64)

  @gap : Int32

  def initialize(@digit : Int32)
    @gap = @digit * 11

  def each
    (2..).each do |power|
      base = 10_u64 ** (power >> 1)
      lower = base * @digit
      upper = base * (@digit + 1)
      lower.step(to: upper - 1, by: 10) do |candidate|
        if power.odd?
          candidate.upto(candidate + 9) do |palindrome_half|
            palindrome_half = palindrome_half.to_s
            palindrome = (palindrome_half + palindrome_half.reverse).to_u64
            yield palindrome if palindrome % @gap == 0
          palindrome_half = (candidate // 10).to_s
          palindrome_base = (palindrome_half + "0" + palindrome_half.reverse).to_u64

          9.times do |i|
            palindrome = palindrome_base + (base * i)
            yield palindrome if palindrome % @gap == 0

puts "First 20 palindromic gapful numbers ending with:"
1.upto(9) do |digit| 
  puts "#{digit} : #{}"
puts "Last 15 of first 100 palindromic gapful numbers ending in:"
1.upto(9) do |digit| 
 puts "#{digit} : #{}"

This is why I never enjoyed Rosetta Code much. It seems so much more focused on puzzle solving than showing off the actual language.

This is fair.

I’ve tried to simplify your code a little bit to show the structure without actually doing the calculations:

def f(size)
  # this is what you want to output
  nums = [] of Int32
  # This loop returns nil (i.e. nothing)
  (2..).each do |n|
    n1   = n * 100
    n2   = n * 200
    # This loop returns nil
    n1.step(to: n2 - 1, by: 10) do |outer|
      # This loop returns nil
      (outer..outer + 9).each do |inner|
        num = outer + inner
        nums << num if num % 7  == 0
        # We know as programmers that this is always the exit point of this function,
        # but the compiler sees "if" and allows for the case when it isn't
        return nums if nums.size == size
  # without the following line, the return type of the function is the return type of
  # the loop above (that is, nil) OR the return type of the "return" line above

puts "#{f(5)}" # => [406, 420, 427, 441, 448]

puts "#{f(5).last(3)}" # => [427, 441, 448]

This has been explained above, but the reason is that up to this point, the compiler doesn’t know that the function necessarily returns in the loops. Until it gets to the nums line, the last statement of the function, which is the implicit return type, returns only nil. However, it also sees that there is a return inside of a conditional, which means that there is a possibility (again, the compiler doesn’t know that it’s certain) of returning Array(UInt64) (or Array(Int32) in my reduction). Therefore, without the nums line, the return type of the function is (Array(UInt64) | Nil). As I mentioned above, though, the last statement of a function is considered the return type (unless there is a return at the end of all conditional branches before it, in which case it’s truly unreachable code according to the compiler), so nums works the same at the end as return nums.

As I wrote above, the bolded section is false. The compiler does not know that the code aborts inside the loop, so it’s not a bug. While we as programmers can see that nums will never be reached at runtime, the compiler does not see that at compile-time because 1) the return in the function body is inside of a conditional, and 2) that conditional is within 3 loops, which the compiler doesn’t necessarily know will always execute at least once. From the compiler’s point-of-view, there are a number of execution paths (the outermost #each never executes, the middle #step never executes, the innermost #each never executes, and the conditional around return is never true) in which that return is unreachable, so it won’t disregard what it sees as viable execution paths (where return is never reached). So there is no warning/error for unreachable code because the compiler sees that line as reachable.

I think I’ve already addressed this, because it’s the same as the reason that, without the nums line, the return type of your function will be (Array(UInt64) | Nil). There’s actually no compilation-time checks about whether the array has enough data for Array#last (because how would you even do that?); if there wasn’t enough data, it would raise an exception at runtime. The error isn’t related to whether the array is long enough but rather whether the receiver of #last is actually an array.

A quick note: if you give your function (when it doesn’t have the nums line) an explicit output type (def palindromegen(digit, count) : Array(UInt64)), you’ll get a more useful compiler error:

Error: method must return Array(UInt64) but it is returning (Array(UInt64) | Nil)

Finally, I hope you find these answers useful. It seems to me both that you’re misunderstanding something about the language and that you’re a very skilled programmer, so I tried to find a good middle-ground in explaining things thoroughly without explaining things you’d already know.

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@jzakiya Many replies have been given to you.

As a summary: yes, it’s a bit unexpected that you have to add something after (2..).each { ... } to tell the compiler that you don’t expect that loop to end. This is a bug in the standard library, or a feature request to improve the situation.

So maybe open a bug or a feature request specifically for that? There’s no need to continue discussing anything here.

There is no bug.

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