A binding to wren, a small, fast, class-based, concurrent scripting language.
The main goal is to make this binding as comfortable and easy to use as possible, and allow Crystal developers to make apps extensible using a nice, readable language.
The current status of the binding is that it works but it’s of course not very well testedm and you can find it at https://github.com/ralsina/cr-wren
Here is an example of creating a Wren VM and calling Wren code from Crystal and viceversa:
require "../src/wren.cr"
vm = Wren::VM.new "myvm"
# We can just tell the VM to interpret (run) code
vm.interpret "main", "System.print(\"Hello World!\")"
# This defines a function in Wren
vm.interpret "main", %(
var add = Fn.new { |a,b|
return a+b
# And we can call it from Crystal
puts vm.call("main", "add", "call", [1, 2]) # => 3.0
puts vm.call("main", "add", "call", ["1", "2"]) # => "12"
# This fails with a runtime error even when the equivalent Wren code works
# probably a bug somewhere
# puts vm.call("main", "add", "call", [[1, 2], [3, 4]]) # => [1,2,3,4]
# Register a Crystal proc to add floats into the Wren VM
"main", "Math", "add",
Wren::VM.wrap("myvm", ->(a : Float64, b : Float64) : Float64 {
a + b
# Register a proc to add 3 floats. We can register the same proc more than
# once with the same name and different arity
"main", "Math", "add",
Wren::VM.wrap("myvm", ->(a : Float64, b : Float64, c : Float64) : Float64 {
a + b + c
# We also need to declare it as "foreign" in Wren.
vm.interpret "main", %(
class Math {
foreign static add(a,b)
foreign static add(a,b,c)
# And we can call it on Wren, which will use the Crystal code
vm.interpret "main", %(
// We can pass a string as argument here because cr-wren will cast it to Float64
) # 2+3.5=5.5 ¨1"+2+3=6