Crystal 0.28.0 has been released!

We’ve written a blog post summarizing the changes in this release:

The full changelog is here:

All the usual installation methods still apply:

Docker images and 64 bits linux packages are available as usual.

There are a couple of things pending still:

  • The brew formula hasn’t been updated yet
  • 32 bits linux package came out with some packaging issues so we are not publishing yet. The crystal binary that came out of the CI was not statically built and hence it is not working as expected.

I will post updates here.


The PR to the brew formula has been sent

32 bits linux packages are now available as usual. :tada:

Some good stuff in there! I’m confused why “” wouldn’t return a time object that is timezone aware, like “2002-09-24-06:00” and require you to specify in its printing how you want it displayed (local vs. utc) but maybe that’s just me…cheers!

FYI the homebrew formula has been updated.