Crystal 1.15.0 is released!

We are announcing a new Crystal release 1.15.0 with several new features and bug fixes.

Pre-built packages are available on GitHub Releases and our official distribution channels. See for installation instructions.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

As I always do, I ran the new version against a suite of primes sieve code done with older versions.

A December 18, 2024 1.15 development versions is 10-12 seconds faster against the final release for one large input value, and generally faster all around.

Just thought I’d let you know.


Never mind. :scream:

I ran the development version against the latest source code, but I hadn’t compiled that code with the final release. When I noticed that, I ran that code with the final release and it was the same time.

Sorry for the mistake. :relieved:

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I ran my usual benchmark I can see improvements on execution time between 2% and 10% GitHub - MarioAriasC/monyet: An implementation of the monkey language on Crystal