Just wanted to ask anyone if they have any working ARM docker images for latest Crystal? I made one a while back and I haven’t been able to update it to the latest Crystal because I use the deb installer from 2016. I’d love for the Crystal team to release an official docker build for ARM. I am currently working on a Dockerfile for the new version using this article.
I was wondering what people do with docker files of the compiler.
If you need the compiler, you want to compile something, so why use a docker container and not install the compiler direclty?
Because I want to Dockerize it so I can run it in swarm mode, as well as make it easier to reinstall RPis that I have with Crystal. Look up what Docker does and you’ll understand why we need this. I’m not compiling Crystal from scratch every time I need a higher version.
I know what docker does, i used it before. But I was wondering why you would need the compiler itself on many instances, and not just have it on one system, where you compile the binary you then deploy?
edit: I have crystal on one PI and basically only change to a new compiler version when I do a new major release of our software so everything is thoroughly tested, and that does not happen very often.
Ok then you should understand why this would be useful. People build docker images, they will want to build docker images based off crystal. The literal draw of docker is “containerized development tools”. Naturally people will want the crystal compiler in a docker image. Some people don’t want to need to rebuild crystal for their platform from scratch when we can dockerize the whole process and make it way simpler for ARM users to use crystal.
I know this is an old topic and I don’t think my original solution actually crossed compiled
However spider-gazelle will now build multi-architecture images with the updated Dockerfile and the same buildx command
you can enable buildx from the command line with: docker buildx create --use
As local docker doesn’t support multi-arch images you need to push them and then download them again to use them. However if you want to test your image before pushing, you can do it locally with a single platform specified:
╰─ $ docker buildx create --use
╰─ $ docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t org/image-name:tag .
WARNING: No output specified for docker-container driver. Build result will only remain in the build cache. To push result image into registry use --push or to load image into docker use --load
[+] Building 87.1s (16/39)
=> [internal] booting buildkit 18.4s
=> => pulling image moby/buildkit:buildx-stable-1 17.5s
=> => creating container buildx_buildkit_vibrant_sanderson0 0.9s
=> [internal] load .dockerignore 0.1s
=> => transferring context: 2B 0.0s
=> [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0.1s
=> => transferring dockerfile: 2.75kB 0.0s
=> [linux/arm64 internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/alpine:3.16 8.3s
=> [linux/amd64 internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/alpine:3.16 8.1s
=> [auth] library/alpine:pull token for registry-1.docker.io 0.0s
=> [internal] load build context 0.1s
=> => transferring context: 530B 0.0s
=> [linux/arm64 build 1/10] FROM docker.io/library/alpine:3.16@sha256:bc41182d7ef5ffc53a40b044e725193bc10142a1243f395ee852a8d9730fc2ad 29.8s
=> => resolve docker.io/library/alpine:3.16@sha256:bc41182d7ef5ffc53a40b044e725193bc10142a1243f395ee852a8d9730fc2ad 0.0s
=> => sha256:9b18e9b68314027565b90ff6189d65942c0f7986da80df008b8431276885218e 2.71MB / 2.71MB 29.6s
=> => extracting sha256:9b18e9b68314027565b90ff6189d65942c0f7986da80df008b8431276885218e 0.1s
=> [linux/amd64 build 1/10] FROM docker.io/library/alpine:3.16@sha256:bc41182d7ef5ffc53a40b044e725193bc10142a1243f395ee852a8d9730fc2ad 24.7s
=> => resolve docker.io/library/alpine:3.16@sha256:bc41182d7ef5ffc53a40b044e725193bc10142a1243f395ee852a8d9730fc2ad 0.0s
=> => sha256:213ec9aee27d8be045c6a92b7eac22c9a64b44558193775a1a7f626352392b49 2.81MB / 2.81MB 24.5s
=> => extracting sha256:213ec9aee27d8be045c6a92b7eac22c9a64b44558193775a1a7f626352392b49 0.1s
=> [linux/amd64 build 2/10] WORKDIR /app 0.1s
=> [linux/amd64 build 3/10] RUN adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" --home "/nonexistent" --shell "/sbin/nologin" --no-create-home --uid "10001" "appu 0.1s
=> [linux/amd64 build 4/10] RUN apk add --no-cache ca-certificates && update-ca-certificates 35.2s
=> [linux/arm64 build 2/10] WORKDIR /app 0.0s
=> [linux/arm64 build 3/10] RUN adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" --home "/nonexistent" --shell "/sbin/nologin" --no-create-home --uid "10001" "appu 0.1s
=> ERROR [linux/arm64 build 4/10] RUN apk add --no-cache ca-certificates && update-ca-certificates 30.2s
=> CANCELED [linux/amd64 build 5/10] RUN apk add --update --no-cache --repository=http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/main --repository=http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/a 0.1s
> [linux/arm64 build 4/10] RUN apk add --no-cache ca-certificates && update-ca-certificates:
#0 0.126 fetch https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.16/main/aarch64/APKINDEX.tar.gz
#0 8.852 fetch https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.16/community/aarch64/APKINDEX.tar.gz
#0 27.74 (1/1) Installing ca-certificates (20220614-r0)
#0 29.99 Executing busybox-1.35.0-r17.trigger
#0 30.03 Executing ca-certificates-20220614-r0.trigger
#0 30.09 OK: 6 MiB in 15 packages
#0 30.22 Error while loading /usr/bin/run-parts: No such file or directory
19 | # Add trusted CAs for communicating with external services
20 | >>> RUN apk add --no-cache \
21 | >>> ca-certificates \
22 | >>> && \
23 | >>> update-ca-certificates
24 |
error: failed to solve: process "/dev/.buildkit_qemu_emulator /bin/sh -c apk add --no-cache ca-certificates && update-ca-certificates" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1
How to fix it?
One more question, Is it possible to build and link a ARM binary use docker buildx on local laptop directly?
For now, i have to build it on my laptop X86_64 laptop, then start a Raspberry Pi use qemu emulator, and link it there, i really hope we can build/link in one step for ARM.
I consider i build successful in my X86_64 linux laptop for a linux/arm64 platform, use following command.
╰─ $ 130 docker buildx build --platform linux/arm64 --target build -t arm64 .
WARNING: No output specified for docker-container driver. Build result will only remain in the build cache. To push result image into registry use --push or to load image into docker use --load
[+] Building 2.0s (16/16) FINISHED
=> [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0.0s
=> => transferring dockerfile: 2.74kB 0.0s
=> [internal] load .dockerignore 0.0s
=> => transferring context: 2B 0.0s
=> [internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/alpine:3.16 2.0s
=> [build 1/12] FROM docker.io/library/alpine:3.16@sha256:bc41182d7ef5ffc53a40b044e725193bc10142a1243f395ee852a8d9730fc2ad 0.0s
=> => resolve docker.io/library/alpine:3.16@sha256:bc41182d7ef5ffc53a40b044e725193bc10142a1243f395ee852a8d9730fc2ad 0.0s
=> [internal] load build context 0.0s
=> => transferring context: 148B 0.0s
=> CACHED [build 2/12] WORKDIR /app 0.0s
=> CACHED [build 3/12] RUN adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" --home "/nonexistent" --shell "/sbin/nologin" --no-create-home --uid "10001" "appuser" 0.0s
=> CACHED [build 4/12] RUN apk add --update --no-cache ca-certificates yaml-dev yaml-static libxml2-dev openssl-dev openssl-libs-static zlib-dev 0.0s
=> CACHED [build 5/12] RUN update-ca-certificates 0.0s
=> CACHED [build 6/12] RUN apk add --update --no-cache --repository=http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/main --repository=http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/com 0.0s
=> CACHED [build 7/12] COPY shard.yml shard.yml 0.0s
=> CACHED [build 8/12] COPY shard.lock shard.lock 0.0s
=> CACHED [build 9/12] RUN shards install --production --ignore-crystal-version 0.0s
=> CACHED [build 10/12] COPY ./src /app/src 0.0s
=> CACHED [build 11/12] RUN shards build --production --release --error-trace 0.0s
=> CACHED [build 12/12] RUN for binary in /app/bin/*; do ldd "$binary" | tr -s '[:blank:]' '\n' | grep '^/' | xargs -I % sh -c 'mkdir -p $(dirname dep 0.0s
What i want is copy the built binary from container into my laptop, but, when i build it done, i can’t found the generated image which i built just now (tag name is: arm64), sure, i can’t copy it out, do you know how to achieve this?
and the generated files are on your local machine in the folder specified.
That said, I’m having issues with libunwind and static builds - exceptions don’t seem to be working for me, still trying to solve that
I think I solved my issue with exceptions too. Need to add these this lib
previously was seeing this with exceptions
Failed to raise an exception: END_OF_STACK
[0x458236] ???
[0x42ce58] ???
[0x4395ae] ???
[0x433ec9] ???
[0xc75545] ???
Tried to raise:: Unknown DW_FORM_data16 (Exception)
from usr/lib/crystal/core/crystal/dwarf/info.cr:83:29 in '??'
from usr/lib/crystal/core/crystal/dwarf/info.cr:67:23 in '??'
from usr/lib/crystal/core/exception/call_stack/elf.cr:10:7 in '??'
from src/ldso/dl_iterate_phdr.c:45:1 in '??'
I, my own Dockerfile just use the offical alpine image.
FROM crystallang/crystal:1.5.0-alpine-build AS base
Can i know why you build crystal image from the alpine image? what is the difference between you and the official installed package?
EDIT: I checked the official image, It seem like most of packages in your Dockefile is exists in official image, although, probably only part of for some package:
following package not exists
I guess yaml-dev is not necessary, only yaml-static is enough.
so, what is the usage of libunwind-dev? some shards depend on it?
Ignore those irrelevant parameters above, i really try to build with --platform linux/arm64, but, get a AMD64 binary.
╰─ $ file linux/arm64/app/bin/test
linux/arm64/app/bin/docker: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), static-pie linked, with debug_info, not stripped
Can i know why my Dockerfile not works for arm64?
following is my Dockerfile.
# -*- mode: dockerfile; -*-
FROM crystallang/crystal:1.5.0-alpine-build AS base
RUN sed -i "s/dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/g" /etc/apk/repositories
RUN addgroup -g 1000 docker && \
adduser -u 1000 -G docker -h /home/docker -s /bin/sh -D docker
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/var/cache/apk \
set -eux; \
apk upgrade
RUN wget https://github.com/boxboat/fixuid/releases/download/v0.5.1/fixuid-0.5.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz -O - | tar zxvf - -C /usr/local/bin
RUN USER=docker && \
GROUP=docker && \
chown root:root /usr/local/bin/fixuid && \
chmod 4755 /usr/local/bin/fixuid && \
mkdir -p /etc/fixuid && \
printf "user: $USER\ngroup: $GROUP\n" > /etc/fixuid/config.yml
RUN chown docker:docker /app -R
USER docker:docker
# Install shards for caching
COPY shard.yml shard.yml
COPY shard.lock shard.lock
RUN shards install --production --ignore-crystal-version
COPY src src
RUN shards build --production --release --no-debug --error-trace --static -Dstrict_multi_assign
Its because your base image crystallang/crystal:1.5.0-alpine-build only supports amd64 architecture. You should be using a base image which supports the architecture you are building for.
Take a look at dockerhub and it will show you only linux/amd64 as supported architecture by this image.