Hey Konovod! Long time no see. In my code, I just check if any players are in that zone the fiber is running in… break if game.players.size == 0
. Since the game is instance based, a players count of zero means no one is the game and it’s empty/removed already. Then I when a game is empty and everyone leaves I have a whacky cleanup
method that gets called. And the game
instance that is inside my property games = Hash(String, Game).new
is removed. I assume the garbage collection stuff takes over from there
pretty cool and so damn easy to structure around (in my opinion at least). Client is a huge instance that has a bunch of stuff, stores all the players stats, etc:
class Client
property socket : TCPSocket
property user_id = 0
property username = “”
property last_message_time = 0_i64
property flood_attempts = 0
property in_game = “”
property in_game_obj : Game?
property in_zone_obj : Zone?
property god_mode = false
property flood_bucket = STARTING_FLOOD_BUCKET
property last_message_time2 = {} of String => Int64
property last_zone_transfer_time = 0_i64
property old_x = 0f32
property old_y = 0f32
property x = 0f32
property y = 0f32
property incoming_position_x = 0.00 # when using a skill, the client’s incoming mouse position
property incoming_position_y = 0.00
property width = 70
property height = 70
property angle = 0f32
property local_game_update_buffer = GUBuffer.new
property is_moving = false
property end_char_move = false
property cooldowns = Hash(Int32, Int64).new
property selected_characterid = 0_i64
property selected_char_name = “”
property selected_character_image = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
property authenticated = false
property in_level = DEFAULT_LEVEL
property trade_status = 0_i8
property trading_who = “”
property trading_with = 0
property is_trading = false
property cc = 0_i8
property class_data : RPGClasses
property hardcore = false
property ladder = false
property gold = 0
property custom_helmet_enabled = 0_i8
property custom_helmet_last_hash = “”
property custom_helmet_position = “”
property last_galactic_level_completed = 0
property at_max_life = false
property at_max_mana = false
property last_message_received = 0_i64
property last_item_message_sent = 0_i64
property last_game_tick = 0.00
property blocked = Array(Int32).new
property timeState = “”
property prev_states = “”
property dead = false
property dmg_buffer = “”
property mini_states = “1”
property last_char_state = “”
property last_char_anim = “”
Player moving states
property w = false
property a = false
property s = false
property d = false
Player old_moving states
property old_left = false
property old_right = false
property in_safe_zone = false
property type = “”
Timer counters?
property five_second_counter = 0
property last_time_monster_killed = 0
property recent_exp_gained = 0
property completed_quests = Array(Int32).new
property active_quests = Hash(Int32, Quest).new
property activated_waypoints = [0]
Player Stats, etc
property equipment = Hash(String, String).new
property increased_move_speed = 1.00
property increased_attack_speed = 1.00
property increased_cast_speed = 1.00
property base_mana = 0
property mana = 10.00
property cmana = 10.00
property mana_regen = 0.00
property base_life = 0
property health = 10.00
property chealth = 10.00
property health_regen = 0.00
property fire_res = 0
property cold_res = 0
property lightning_res = 0
property chance_to_block = 0.0
property min_dmg = 0
property max_dmg = 0
Special modifiers
property mana_on_hit = 0
property health_on_hit = 0
Special Modifiers for physical damage
property tree_i_phys = 0.00
Special Modifiers from skill tree
property str = 0_i16
property dex = 0_i16
property vita = 0_i16
property energy = 0_i16
property chance_to_hit = 0.00
property crit_chance = 0.05
property base_crit_multiplier = BASE_CRIT_MULTIPLIER
property crit_multiplier = 0.75
property experience = 0_i64
property experience_needed = 0_i64
property cexperience = 0_i64
property added_experience_gained = 0.00
property level = 0_i8
property skill_points = 0
property stat_points = 0_i16
property skill_list = Array(Int32).new
property skills = Hash(Int64, Hash(String, Hash(String, Float64) | Int64 | Array(Int64))).new
property default_skills = Hash(Int64, Hash(String, Int64)).new
property active_skills = Hash(Int64, ActiveSkill).new
property items = Hash(Int64, ItemTuple).new
property stash = Hash(Int32, Tab).new
property equipped_items = Hash(Int64, ItemTuple).new
property equipped_skill_gems = Hash(Int64, Int64).new
property selected_tabid = 0
property flask_update = Array(Int32).new
property flasks = Hash(Int32, Flask).new
property flask_0_charges = 3_i8
property flask_0_active = false
property flask_0_timer = 0.00
property flask_1_charges = 3_i8
property flask_1_active = false
property active_buffs = Hash(Int32, Buff).new
property frenzy_charges = 0
property max_frenzy_charges = 3
property chance_to_gain_frenzy_on_kill = 0.00
property chance_to_gain_frenzy_on_hit = 1.00
property at_max_frenzy_charges = false
property max_frenzy_charge_duration = DEFAULT_FRENZY_DURATION
property current_frenzy_charge_duration = 0
property max_traps = 2
property defense = 0
Used to store items when selling to npc (to calculate what the player will receive)
property sell_buffer = Array(Int64).new
property inventory = Array(Array(Int32)).new
property planet_pos_x = 0
property planet_pos_y = 0
property grid_pos_x = 0
property grid_pos_y = 0
property previous_grid_pos_x = 0
property previous_grid_pos_y = 0
Scent trail… used for monster AI?
property scent_trail = Array(ScentTrail).new
property scent_timer = 0
Custom Buffs from skills
property skill_buffs = Hash(String, Hash(String, Float64)).new # name and if active or not, lol
Skill Tree Properties?
property increased_hp_percent = 1.0_f32
You could also kill the loop inside a fiber with a instance variable being set to true and call it whenever. I think I do some of that jiggery-pokery stuff in some other code somewhere
Maybe I’m using fibers more on the high level side, as I view them like a little setInterval function from JavaScript. That’s easily cancelable whenever I need to. I don’t know that much low level programming, as you can probably tell :P