I am trying to get data from Postgres to a class and then hoping to convert it to json using .to_json method. However, I get the following error when I try to get the data from Postgres.
PG::ResultSet#read returned a String. A LangSpeed was expected.
This is what I tried. Assume that db is named testdb and the table is named testtable. There are three columns in the database: id, v1, v2.
This is how I defined the class:
class LangSpeed
id: {type: String?},
v1: {type: String?},
v2: {type: String?}
This is the function that tries to query the data:
def getrecs_as_class
conn = DB.open DBURL
res = conn.query_all("select id, v1 from testtable", as: LangSpeed)
rescue ex
puts ex.message
return nil
puts "Result as class: #{res}"
return res
When I do this I get the above-mentioned error:
PG::ResultSet#read returned a String. A LangSpeed was expected.
In the API documentation for crystal-db it says that there is a way to cast the queried data to a class.
Can someone please suggest how this can be done with a class? I can do it with NamedTuples; however that way I don’t have the structure of the NamedTuple in one place.
DB::ResultSet#read(Class) returns a single column value converted into an object of that type, so you’d have to pull back the columns and pass them to a LangSpeed constructor:
.query_all("select id, v1 from testable", as: { String, String })
.map do |(id, v1)|
LangSpeed.new(id, v1)
It might be useful if it allowed a call like DB::ResultSet#read(DB::Mappable.class) where it just requires the class to receive a DB::ResultSet to its constructor and the class can build itself out of whatever columns the row contains. I suspect the reason it hasn’t been done that way is because the API doesn’t yet provide abstractions to make that easy for arbitrary queries.
@asterite, I looked through the most recent crystal-db api documentation. There is nothing called DB::Mapping. It has DB::Mappable which is an empty module (according to these docs, to support DB::Mapping). And, it has DB:MappingException. Can you please link it?
Thanks @asterite and @Blacksmoke16. The following worked.
Although, after doing this it seems that using NamedTuples might just be easier (and perhaps more efficient).
Thanks everyone for all the help.
class LangSpeed
id: {type: String?},
v1: {type: String?},
v2: {type: String?}
id: {type: String?},
v1: {type: String?},
v2: {type: String?}
def getrecs_as_class
conn = DB.open DBURL
res = conn.query("select id, v1 from testtable")
recs = LangSpeed.from_rs(res)
rescue ex
puts ex.message
return nil
puts "Result as classes: #{recs}"
return recs
Might be a good idea to read the source of https://github.com/amberframework/granite and see how it does it. I’ve found reading how one program did something and integrating ideas in my own code tends to work well for me.