How to iterate over the tuple values and get both the key and the value?

array : NamedTuple(name: String, age: String) = {name: "crysal", age: "very long"}

(c,d).each() do |a, b| 
	puts a, b

i want to loop over the tuple and get both the key and the value how ?

Your code example is nearly correct

some_var : NamedTuple(name: String, age: String) = {name: "crysal", age: "very long"}

some_var.each() do |key, value| 
  puts key.to_s
  puts value

The syntax breakdown is:
variable_name : TheTypeYourAreSpecifying = its_default_value

So in your example you named your NamedTuple as array, which I think is causing some confusion.