How to set PROGRAM_NAME in Crystal?

Following is the same code for Ruby

# 1.rb
$0 = "program"
sleep 100
 ╰─ $ ruby 1.rb &
[1] 578277

 ╰─ $ ps aux |grep program
zw963     578277  0.3  0.0  88220 17972 pts/1    S    16:33   0:00 program


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There is currently no (portable) API for changing the name of the process in Crystal’s standard library.

You can use platform-specific mechanism, such as pthread_setname, prctl(PR_SET_NAME) or writing to /proc/self/comm.

The latter is probably easiest because it doesn’t need any bindings. It works on Linux, but only for ps, not ps u.

File.write("/proc/self/comm", "program")
puts `ps | grep program` # => "29496 pts/4    00:00:00 program"