Hello everyone,
sorry, in case this question should have been answered already a dozen of times, but I simply couldn’t find it:
Is it possible to build libraries (.a/.so/.dylib) for further use in c/ ruby/ whatever?
Hello everyone,
sorry, in case this question should have been answered already a dozen of times, but I simply couldn’t find it:
Is it possible to build libraries (.a/.so/.dylib) for further use in c/ ruby/ whatever?
Well, it is technically possible. But not very practical.
The language and compiler totally enable you to do this. You can define fun
methods and use --cross-compile
to generate an object file which you can then link into a static or shared library as you wish.
But if you use the standard library you’ll meet some problems. Crystal’s stdlib is not made for that and it never will be. It expects to be the king of the process and manages everything about it, like memory management, signal handling etc.
You could compile your library without the standard library. But without it, there’s not much you can do. Basically, you have to implement everything you need for yourself.
What a pity. This would have been awesome in combination with ruby. Speeding “slow” parts up with crystal and keep everything else interpreted. I’m anyway very impressed by Crystal.
Thanks. Good to know. Even without stdlib I can still think of possible cases where this could become handy (like maybe just a tiny addon to some already external library or something like that).
To have such a combination, there is Anyolite. GitHub - Anyolite/anyolite: Embedded mruby/Ruby for Crystal
From the README: Anyolite is a Crystal shard which adds a fully functional mruby (or even regular Ruby) interpreter to Crystal.
In case anyone else is trying to do something like that, maybe this helps:
Well, this needs such a “do not try at home” (or don’t use it for anything important) warning, but if someone wants to fool around with it, this is how I got it working on osx (and I assume it will be the same or similar on linux).
# bar.cr
fun anotherHello : Void
puts "Crystal says \"Hi\", too!"
fun seven(i: LibC::Int) : LibC::Int
return 7*i
fun barInit : Void
Crystal.main(0, Pointer(UInt8*).null)
// foo.cc
extern "C"{
void anotherHello();
int seven(int);
void barInit();
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << "Hello, World!" << endl;
cout << seven(6) <<endl;
return 0;
# building
crystal build --cross-compile bar.cr
ld -unexported_symbol _main -r -dynamic bar.o /opt/local/lib/libiconv.a /opt/local/lib/libpcre.a /opt/local/lib/libevent.a /opt/local/lib/libgc.a -o _bar.o
ar r libbar.a _bar.o
c++ foo.cc libbar.a -o foo
And the resulting ./foo
seemed(!) to work fine, but might be not fine at all.
If you want to access argv, you’ll have to modify barInit (btw: it doesn’t work without barInit() - if I understood it correctly, it’s because GC.init is needed, which is done by Crystal.main; my attempts to replace it directly with GC.init failed).
Maybe it’s all fine, maybe it leaks memory, maybe it crashes the whole system - I didn’t recognise any issues, but maybe I was just ignorant or lucky or both, so better don’t rely on that.
Have fun!
if you build a dylib from ilbbar.o as in
c++ -shared _bar.o -o libbar.dylib
You can use your Crystal library in Ruby as in:
require 'ffi'
module Bar
extend FFI::Library; ffi_lib 'libbar'; attach_function :seven, [:int], :int
Bar.seven 6
# => 42
Edit 1: While it worked fine in the above case, it doesn’t do so in other cases (I assume(!) those are the cases which require barInit, which itself already crashes as well when called via ruby ffi).
Edit 2: GC.init
isn’t even the problem (it works apparently fine). One can’t use p
or puts
(but calling LibC.write 1,…
is fine and a quick replacement, by overload those two) nor does string interpolation work; There will be likely more things one would have to replace, but it doesn’t seem there wouldn’t be many (I have found so far only those two/three issues, which might be all related just to the later (as p
and puts
probably use it). I did not experience any other issues with string
, io
, … So if someone really want to do this, it might not take much effort to get it working
This may not be related to this question, but rubygem recently added an official gem template for writing native extensions in Rust.
Maybe someday when we have a best practice for writing Ruby extensions in Crystal, it will be added as an official RubyGem template.
Is is possible to write Ruby extensions in Crystal?