Many languages now have the ability to treat a text string as a sequence or collection of extended grapheme clusters, rather than Unicode code points. Is there an equivalent in Crystal?
I’m not much of a Rubyist… would something like this be considered idiomatic?
def each_grapheme(s : String, &)
s.scan(/\X/) do |match|
yield match[0]
def graphemes(s : String) : Array(String)
result = Array(String).new
each_grapheme(s) do |g|
result << g
return result
# Example from
s = "\u{E9}\u{65}\u{301}\u{D55C}\u{1112}\u{1161}\u{11AB}"
each_grapheme(s) do |g|
puts "#{g}\t#{g.codepoints}"
Edit: is it possible to mimic Ruby’s “enumerator” API, which has a #to_a method? Not that it’s really necessary, but these kinds of toy problems help me learn my way around a new language.
I think it’s a good API. The main reason we didn’t do it in the standard library like that is lack of time and not wanting to depend on the regex engine. Maybe also a grapheme type would be nice to have. So for now all of that is pending.
There’s no good way to do Enumerator like in Ruby. There are past discussions but none is as efficient as a plain old Iterator.
I guess it should be easy to implement an Iterator for this. You keep the current byte index, initially zero, then match against a regex. Actually, we should probably add an Iterator for the scan method, though I don’t know what would be that name (each_scan reads weird, maybe scan_iterator)