Raw Crystal conference talks on YouTube

I’ve put together a YouTube playlist for you to replay the talks from Raw Crystal 2020 :popcorn:


If you find anything particularly inspiring or interesting, then consider letting other people know on this thread :arrow_heading_down:

Table of content

Keynote: Crystal Land … how it started and how it’s going

Brian J. Cardiff (@bcardiff)

Building an Observability Platform in Crystal

Kirk Haines (@wyhaines)

Crystal Tools: yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Massimiliano Bertinetti (@maxbertinetti)

You don’t need ORM… but the life is too short

Roman Kalnytskyi (imdrasil)

Generative Art, SVG, and Celestine

Ian Rash (redcodefinal)

How I got Lucky

Jeremy (@jeremywoertink)

Real-world lessons writing Crystal C Bindings

Postmodern (@postmodern_mod3)

How To Secure Your Crystal Apps

Bar Hofesh (@bararchy)

Reactive web apps with Crystal + Svelte.js

Noah Lehmann-Haupt (@noahlh)

Crystal in Production

Steve (stakach)

Internationalizing Crystal (*not published, yet)

Bruce Perens K6BP (@BrucePerens)

Getting a PhD in Crystallography with Crystal

KC (KCErb)

Shards Ecosystem

Johannes Müller (straight-shoota)

Panel discussion

Jack Thorne (wontruefree)

