I’m trying to spawn a bunch of fibers, where each one spawn a process and pipes the output of said process to stdout, with a prefix, the code inside the loop is something along the lines of:
spawn do
STDOUT.printf("[%s] Starting\n", command_name)
out_read, out_write = IO.pipe
err_read, err_write = IO.pipe
proc = Process.new(
chdir: chdir,
input: Process::Redirect::Close,
output: out_write,
error: err_write
while !out_read.closed?
STDOUT.printf("[%s][stdout] %s", command_name, out_read.gets(chomp: false))
STDERR.printf("[%s][stderr] %s", command_name, err_read.gets(chomp: false))
The problem is that err_read.gets(chomp: false) blocks the process completely. Is there any way of just skipping that line if there isn’t any data in err_read