I’m getting “undefined method” for a method I’ve defined, in line 5 of main.cr, where foo() is being called. I’ve looked at real Crystal programs written by people who know what they’re doing, re-read the language reference GitBook, and googled. I’m missing some syntax detail with my swiss-cheese C++ rotted brain!
In file alpha.cr:
module LotsaStuff
def foo(x)
end #def
end #module
In file main.cr, the main program:
require "./alpha.cr"
module LotsaStuff
puts "Starting!"
z = foo(10) <=== Error: undefined method
puts z
end #module
The odd little details I read about but don’t absorb…
It’s as if ‘module’ were ‘class’ in a way. What my python-addled creaky old rust-trap brain thinks is a global function (or variable or some other thing) is really a member of a “class” that’s called a module, and I sortof have to pretend I’m doing Python where you put “self.” in certain places (lots of places in actual Python.)