Win32cr - 1.0 release

Win32cr version 1.0.0


  • Uses mjblack/winmd to generate library bindings from JSON dump of the Windows Metadata at marlersoft/win32json
  • Namespaces! and directory layout pattern matches too.

Looking forward to feedback and PRs!

Repo URL


What’s the docs situation with this? @nobodywasishere was working on a c binding document generator that hopefully will be implemented with RFC 0011: Extending API Docs by nobodywasishere · Pull Request #11 · crystal-lang/rfcs · GitHub and Add support for :showdoc: directive for private and protected objects (RFC #0011) by nobodywasishere · Pull Request #15337 · crystal-lang/crystal · GitHub in case wrapping isn’t 100% covering the binding.

Very cool project! Really cool you got all this working :slight_smile:

technically there are docs but they’re empty (until :showdoc: is implemented) lol

Edit: Ah okay, this repo requires extra steps in order to generate the bindings before they can be used. That’s not currently supported by crystaldoc (and it unfortunately only builds on Linux currently). Would it be feasible to commit the bindings, or are they different for each machine?

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Yeah, unfortunately there was an issue trying to get the postinstall script to work on Windows.

crystaldoc also uses the --skip-postinstall flag as I saw it as a security risk

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