Apple M1 Machines

Anyone have any experience with running Crystal on an M1 based machine. I get the following error on install:

llvm@9: The x86_64 architecture is required for this software.

Any way to install under Rosetta2? Maybe a new version in the works?



Related: Add Aarch64 support for macOS · Issue #10066 · crystal-lang/crystal · GitHub.

Hey @marcstein. If you have the rosetta version of brew installed (maybe as an alias command), then you can just rosetta_brew install crystal like normal. You may need to install the dependencies (like openssl, etc…) separately. Check out #4 in this article. Hope that helps!

That very much helped! The one that worked was doing an install under Rosetta 2 into usr/local.



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Do you know if the rosetta version of Crystal for Mac has support for muti-threading?

I would assume it’s the same as the non-rosetta version as far as using the -Dpreview_mt flag, but I’m not sure. I actually don’t have an M1 mac :sweat_smile: I had to ask a co-worker that does to see what he did. Sorry.

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Thank you!

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