Crystal 1.2.0 has been released!

We’ve written a blog post summarizing the changes in this release: Crystal 1.2.0 released! - The Crystal Programming Language . While we have tested it against several known and sizeable projects, that doesn’t preclude the existence of regressions. If you find an issue, please check the issue tracker and file a bug: it will be fixed in a patch version.

The full changelog is here: Release 1.2.0 · crystal-lang/crystal · GitHub.

It is available on most platforms already, check the install page for details. That includes docker images :whale:

:warning: Unfortunately, we are facing issues in the snapcraft repo, where the 1.2.0 version exists only in the beta and edge channels, but not in the stable one.

:beer: The brew formula is not yet ready, as we are trying to have a formula working for M1 macs. Will keep you posted!


Update: The snap is ready, and :beer: is on its way.


Given that Crystal now has support/bottle for M1, is there anything that needs to be as part of other brew formulas that depend on Crystal other than bump the revision and force an arm bottle?

I don’t know, honestly, I don’t have an M1 to try out. I’ll wait for others with M1’s to comment (or you can try and let us know how it went).

@Blacksmoke16 Just checked on my M1 using crystal and oq installed via Homebrew. It works as expected and is an arm64 binary:

➜  Code oq -i yaml .apiVersion ~/.kube/config
➜  Code which oq
➜  Code file $(which oq)
/opt/homebrew/bin/oq: Mach-O 64-bit executable arm64

Also I am immensely excited about ARM support on the Homebrew builds! I can finally move off my self-compiled Crystal compiler on this laptop! :tada::tada::tada: :100::100::100: Nice work, friends!

@beta-ziliani Also does this mean that Platform Support - Crystal can be updated to move aarch64-darwin up from Tier 3?

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Oh nice! Good to know. I’m assuming it built from source tho?

Looks like the binary is precompiled. For a fresh install on a cold Homebrew cache, this takes just a few seconds, no visible compilation step:

➜  ~ time brew install oq
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Downloading
==> Downloading from
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring oq--1.3.0.arm64_big_sur.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /opt/homebrew/Cellar/oq/1.3.0: 5 files, 506.6KB
brew install oq  1.92s user 0.93s system 84% cpu 3.354 total

Tier 1 requires ro run tests in CI on native M1 hardware. We don’t have that available yet.

Would probably qualify for Tier 2, though, right? (Expected to build, smoke-tested, etc.)


You made the news! :blush:


Here’s recognition Crystal just received. :sparkler: