BitDifender problems

Hi there.
I’m a newbie and i’m starting with Crystal on Windows 11.
I’m trying to run this simple program:

ar1 = [[1,2],[3,4]]
ar1[0][0] = 9
puts ar1

but using on my file (c028.cry):
crystal c028.cry
i get

Error executing process: ‘C:\Users\rexle\AppData\Local\crystal\cache\crystal-run-c028.exe.tmp.exe’: Accesso negato. (File::AccessDeniedError)
from D:\a\crystal\crystal\src\crystal\system\win32\ in ‘spawn’
from D:\a\crystal\crystal\src\ in ‘new’
from D:\a\crystal\crystal\src\compiler\crystal\ in ‘execute’
from D:\a\crystal\crystal\src\compiler\crystal\ in ‘run_command’
from D:\a\crystal\crystal\src\compiler\crystal\ in ‘run’
from D:\a\crystal\crystal\src\compiler\ in ‘__crystal_main’
from D:\a\crystal\crystal\src\crystal\ in ‘main’
from D:\a\crystal\crystal\src\crystal\system\win32\ in ‘wmain’
from D:\a_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl:288 in ‘__scrt_common_main_seh’
from C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL +75165 in ‘BaseThreadInitThunk’
from C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll +372536 in ‘RtlUserThreadStart’
Error: you’ve found a bug in the Crystal compiler. Please open an issue, including source code that will allow us to reproduce the bug: GitHub · Where software is built

i don think it’s a compiler problem but i guess it could be an issue with BitDifender which is activated by signaling a possible infection.
Has anyone had the same problem?


Maybe this could help:

Very strange… for example the simple

puts “hi”

runs with 0 problems…
and if disable bitdefender even the previous example is ok… No, it’s a problem with bitdefender… also Nim compiler had the same problem…