Anyone have a good idea of what to do to get GitHub - anykeyh/crystal-coverage: Coverage tool for Crystal lang updated and into a usable state? (Last commit to master was 2020-04-20, more than a year ago. I ran the non-standard specs and got no output. I didn’t dig much deeper into it.) Or, is there an alternative Code Coverage tool for Crystal?
My bad. I read the doc’s a bit more. But, still had issues, so I worked on updating via a PR of my old fork of the repo (forked off the e781f8c on Apr 20, 2020
commit, which is the latest commit on the master branch of GitHub - anykeyh/crystal-coverage: Coverage tool for Crystal lang). PR at Drhuffman12/update for crystal 1 0 0 by drhuffman12 · Pull Request #1 · drhuffman12/crystal-coverage · GitHub is kinda working, but still has issues; maybe I didn’t fix enough of the code? I logged an issue here: Update repo for Crystal 1+ and document how to run the tests; maybe add an example shard that uses it · Issue #17 · anykeyh/crystal-coverage · GitHub.
@drhuffman12 I don’t know anykeyh/crystal-coverage
but in bcardiff/crystal-tool-demo I had a POC of a tool to identify unused defs that I’ve used in real apps to do some cleanup.
It is not a whole coverage tool but it covers some stories there.
LLVM has llvm-cov, which I think might be a way to have coverage reports, but for that the compiler needs to emit some additional information (via some opt-in flag probably). This is not done neither has been attempted AFAIK.
Ref: Code coverage tool anytime soon? · Issue #1157 · crystal-lang/crystal · GitHub
I’m pretty sure one day something will happen that will allow us to write our own coverage tool in a much easier way ;-)
(no promises, though)
care to elaborate? that sounds very intriguing! even without the prospect of a promise
It’s a tool I’m working on which might enable code coverage and some other things. But I will reveal it in the upcoming Crystal Conference. So you’ll know then, or shortly afterwards. Sorry, I can’t reveal much more right now. Plus it’s not sure it will work!
@bcardiff , Thanks! I’ll check those out!
@asterite , I look forward to your announcement!
I’ll probably shelf my PR for now and see what you two have and come up with.
I know some dev teams have a minimum code coverage percentage policy for all PR merges into their codebases. So, having a working Code Coverage tool for Crystal could be another selling point for adoption of Crystal (or killing point while still missing).
Exactly. Being able to produce detailed coverage is important for us, and we would love to use Crystal as our new language.
As I explained on issue #1157, we look for all the different logical possibilities and ramifications:
(“statements”, “branch”, “functions”, “lines” and their logical ramifications)
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests: 11 passed, 11 total
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Time: 3.735 s, estimated 5 s
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