Contribute to Windows Support

Do you want Crystal’s Windows platform support at par with that of platforms like Linux and macOS? We have been able to improve Windows support greatly in the past releases, to the point that all the big milestones have been achieved. We are looking to complete Windows support and making this platform available in Tier 1.

In order to make it there we need the support of our amazing community. Contributions made to this project can be of any denomination, and they are not monthly. Every dollar counts to help this project move faster. With your support we can make Crystal more easily adopted by the Windows community. Help Crystal Windows support reach Tier 1 by contributing here,


Together we are making a difference!

It’s been around 3 weeks we have announced our Open Collective initiative on Windows Platform Support for Crystal and we would like to take this opportunity to thank each one of our contributors for supporting us through this mission. Your continued support to this journey is taking us closer to achieve complete Windows support for Crystal and make this platform available across tier 1 which is an important capability for the Windows community. Your contribution has already started to make an impact and hope we can achieve this milestone soon. Here is the contribution link if you would like to support us through this mission.