Hi guys, I would like actually to write my own init system in crystal, but when I did a first test in a virtual machine, when the linux kernel give the control to my init program, I got this error (during booting process):
pthread_getattr_np no such file or directory
The error strangely is not always exactly the same. I took a screenshot:
Any idea ?
Do you think maybe I should build the init system statically ? (probably it will make sens)
Statically it work 
But now I am facing an issue.
I made a function to print a text char by char but with delay. But when the program is run just after the kernel, it’s like the function is ignored.
I guess the functionnality is not available at the init boot time. How can I proceed ?
I used sleep function
This is the code I tried with the sleep function (it work if run from a terminal in graphical environment):
def progressivePrint(text : String, speed = 20_000_000)
text.each_char do |character|
sleep(Time::Span.new(nanoseconds: speed))
print character
And another try with Time.monotic:
def progressivePrint(text : String, speed = 20)
text.each_char do |character|
startingTime = Time.monotonic
loop do
if (Time.monotonic - startingTime).milliseconds > speed
print character
I suspect these functionalities are not availables at boot time. There is a way maybe when I compile statically to link these function too ?
And another question: is it possible to silent the GC warnings ?
So I suspect something. I think because the wiki recommend to build statically with alpine linux with musl (Static Linking - Crystal), I think sometime the binary is not read properly.
Because if I try multiple time to boot, sometime the binary don’t work.
Is there any other way to build statically, but with glibc for example ?
So I find why. I don’t need to make the init static, it’s just I need to mount proc before I start the init and remount root with read and write access.
So I have only one problem now. Why when I call the command sleep, it don’t work ? How is working this crystal call ? What is normally need as minimum ?