Its a wrap for the amazing CrystalConf 2023

The much awaited CrystalConf 2023 just ended a few mins ago. It was an amazing 2 days of thoughtful speaker sessions and finally coming to understand where Crystal stands and what the community can expect for the coming years wrt its development space.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to actively participate in the conference, we will notify the community when the recordings for the speaker sessions will be available. We hope the audience enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed arranging it for you. Here’s to the next Crystal Conference!
Happy Crystalising :innocent:!


Some questions:

  1. Can you announce how many in-person attendees there are? how many online viewers are there?
  2. Are there any plans for sold the t-shirt?

I hope I can be with you in the next edition! And who knows, I might have new things to present by then (a new practical and more scalable software architecture), contributing to the Crystal ecosystem.

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I remember another important question.

  1. is there any plan/roadmap to support better running Fiber on multi-thread? that is, remove the preview_ for preview_mt, implement a golang like M:N scheduler that can better utilize multiple processors
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that’s awesome! i’d definitely think about attending one if it was over here in the states :P.

i’d ask for autographs from some lead devs too :joy:

  1. There were 24 in-presence attendees.
  2. We should do something about merch…

We just talked about this with Remilia in Mastodon. Yes, the idea is to work next on improving this aspect of the language. I can’t promise a date though, we’re looking for sponsors to help in the development.