Parsing YAML/JSON at compile time

I’m working on a shard where YAML and/or JSON files need to be converted to an embedded Hash with a modified structure. This should happen at compile-time because that’s when the data needs to be accessed and validated so that if a key is missing, the compiler raises an error. This is to prevent missing data at runtime.

I’ve tried different setups but can’t make it work. The closest I got was with the run command. Here’s a simplified version to illustrate the setup:

macro load(path)
  {{ run("./parser/yaml", path) }}

The YAML parser looks like this:

# parser/
result = {} of Hash(String, Hash(String, String))

Dir.glob("#{path}/**/*.yml", "#{path}/**/*.yaml") do |file|
  YAML.parse( do |key, data|
    result[key.to_s] = flatten_data_structure(data) # => flattens nested hash

puts "#{result}"

Then from the app, I’d like to be able to access the data using a macro:

macro look_up(key)
    value = FLATTENED_HASH[{{key}}]
    raise "Missing key #{{{key}}}" if value.is_a?(NilLiteral)

I tried assigning the result of the load macro to a constant, but that doesn’t work. I think because the main script is already compiled at the time the result of the parser is pulled in using the run command.

The only thing I can think of now is first parsing the YAML/JSON files and write the result to a crystal file, which I can then require. That should work, but it adds an extra build step which I’d like to avoid.

What are the alternatives?

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How it doesn’t work? It should work. Do you get an error? What’s the error? Does it produce an empty hash?

What I’ve tried, perhaps naively, is assigning it like this:

class Loader
  macro load(path)
    FLATTENED_HASH = {{ run("./parser/yaml", path) }}


# => Error: can't declare constant dynamically

And this:

class Loader
  macro load(path)
    {% FLATTENED_HASH = run("./parser/yaml", path) %}


# => Error: can only assign to variables, not Path

Then I realised load was being called at runtime. So I tried:

class Loader
  {% begin %}
    {% FLATTENED_HASH = run("./parser/yaml", path) %}
  {% end %}

# > 3 | 
# > 4 |         FLATTENED_HASH = 
# > 5 |       
#             ^
# Error: unexpected token: EOF

I’m still wrapping my head around all this. I think the last one is what I’m looking for, but I don’t understand why I’m getting an EOF error. If I change the output of /parser/ to something static (e.g. puts %({"a" => "b"}), the EOF error remains.

That can never be true. Macros are always executed at compile time.

Can you provide the full code? First, the parser/ that you provided doesn’t compile.

A simple reduction works fine for me.

class Loader
  macro load(path)
    FLATTENED_HASH = {{ run "./bar" }}

  macro look_up(key)
    {% value = FLATTENED_HASH[key] %}
    {% raise "Missing key #{key}" if value.is_a?(NilLiteral) %}

puts Loader.look_up("a")
# puts Loader.look_up("b")
hash = {"a" => 1}
puts "#{hash}"
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As it turns out, the EOF error was caused by something else. I was running with to run specs on file saves. When I ran crystal spec it worked. Then I restarted guardian and it ran green again.

The full code can be found here: It’s intended as an internationalisation shard for LuckyFramework, but it will work outside of Lucky too.

Here is the parser:

Anyway, many thanks for helping me out!

I know now why I was getting one of the errors before on the run macro here:

macro load(path)
  {% parser_name ="::").last.underscore %}

  TRANSLATIONS = {{ run("./parser/#{}", path) }}

I used parser_name instead of :man_facepalming: