Use GitHub Actions PR labeler

An idea to save a bit of time: use this official PR labeler:

Sure not everything can be automated, but several simple topics can be, like formatter, stdlib, compiler, serialization.

I don’t think that would be that useful. Changes to a file could be something as unrelated as a formatter change. There’s no way automatic tagging can decide what topics a PR really touches. I’d rather leave that entirely to us humans to decide. It’s better to have no labels (which shows they’re missing) instead of potentially incorrect ones. It doesn’t safe much time either.

If is touched for instance, it will always impact the formatter. That’s the purpose of the labeler, more than what the PR does.

The main goal is to have a quick overview of what things will be touched.

I mean a change in the formatter that would also impact other files where the formatting needs to be updated. Or API changes that also need changes where the API is used. This would all tick multiple labels which don’t make any sense at all.

The main goal is to have a quick overview of what things will be touched.

You can get that by either looking at the proposed changes or the labels applied by core members (as soon as available).