Why is this failing?

I am having problems using these two shards at once: docopt and reply

If this is shard.yml

name: cascara
version: 0.1.0

  - Roberto Alsina <roberto.alsina@gmail.com>

    main: src/cascara.cr

    github: chenkovsky/docopt.cr
    github: I3oris/reply
    branch: main

crystal: '>= 1.13.1'

license: MIT

This code fails to build as soon as I uncomment the require "docopt":

require "reply"
require "docopt"

class Shell < Reply::Reader

reader = Shell.new

reader.read_loop do |expression|
  puts " => #{expression}"

With this error:

In lib/reply/src/auto_completion.cr:33:21

 33 | def initialize(&@auto_complete : String, String -> {String, Array(String)})
Error: instance variable '@auto_complete' of Reply::AutoCompletion must be Proc(String, String, Tuple(String, Array(String))), not Proc(String, String, Tuple(String, Array(String)))

I am totally at a loss on how this can fail like this (notice both types are the same?)

Reduced, probably could go further, but wanted to keep things somewhat close to how they are in the shards:

module Reply
  private class AutoCompletion
    def initialize(&@auto_complete : String, String -> {String, Array(String)})

  class Reader
    @auto_completion : AutoCompletion

    def initialize
      @auto_completion = AutoCompletion.new(&->auto_complete(String, String))

    def auto_complete(current_word : String, expression_before : String)
      return "", [] of String

module Docopt
  class Tokens < Array(String)


The gist of it is docopt is doing a bad thing and inheriting from Array, which is breaking the compiler. Iā€™m 90% sure there is an issue about this somewhere, but Iā€™d have to try and dig it up.

The solution here is probably for docopt to not to do that anymore.

EDIT: When defining subclass of Array, unrelated code stops compiling Ā· Issue #7447 Ā· crystal-lang/crystal Ā· GitHub & Error when nested array/hash is used on inheritance Ā· Issue #10133 Ā· crystal-lang/crystal Ā· GitHub


Could the compiler prevent that like it prevents inheriting String?

Possibly, but idk if it really makes sense to do that to every stdlib type where itā€™s not expected you do that. Is worth discussing at least. Maybe the real solution is fix the bug, but donā€™t explicitly prevent this like String. IIRC with String it was a more special type compared to Array and some of the other stdlib types.

This is No overload error with proc using alias of class thats extended after creation Ā· Issue #11734 Ā· crystal-lang/crystal Ā· GitHub, and it happens with any non-abstract base class, not just Array.

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Oh nice, thanks. I donā€™t even remember making that one :sweat_smile:.

Wired, does our official doc say weā€™re not supposed to do this? inheriting from an Array is seem a very common operation? how to achieve the same goal without using inheritance?

I donā€™t think thatā€™s a common thing. Why would you want to inherit from Array? It fully encases a concept and is basically feature-complete. So I donā€™t see any reason for inheritance.
If you want to build some custom behaviour on top of Array, you can use composition, i.e. a type with an instance variable of type Array. If you want it to behave roughly similar to Array, you may include Indexable and Indexable::Mutable.

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Itā€™s not really a Crystal specific thing that says why you shouldnā€™t, but more of a general design reason. Itā€™s usually not a good practice to inherit types you do not own, which accounts for more than just Array, and beyond the stdlib itself.


TL;DR: I have made a PR to fix this in docopt.cr

However, since that shard seems to be abandoned, if someone wants to use docopt I promise to keep my fork ralsina/docopt.cr with at least bugfixes.

I may even fix the only open issue :-D


I am not saying that in a bad way, but that why I try to avoid to use any shards, I donā€™t want to base my work on a code will be not maintain anymore

My 2 cents on this itā€™s a balancing act. Iā€™m also in the camp of trying to avoid third-party dependencies if possible, but also do not think itā€™s a great idea to be absolute in never using a third-party shard. Writing something yourself instead of using a preexisting shard introduces its own problems. I.e. youā€™re now responsible for maintaining this extra code, making sure itā€™s secure, correct, etc. versus deferring that to the shard owner.

On the flip side, I think itā€™s important to be cognizant of what shards you depend on. This includes knowing who is the owner/maintainer, the status of the shard, following the changelog to be aware of upcoming changes, having a plan for what happens if this shard disappears or goes EoL, etc.

This is getting a bit off-topic tho, so might be best to create a new thread if you want to discuss this further.

I use shards if I am willing to fix bugs in them and/or adopt them. Itā€™s part of using a ā€œsmallā€ platform. If nobody uses shards there are no shards, and the oceanā€™s too big to boil by myself.

For example, in a project I am using a VERY nice docker API shard called docr.

I found a couple minor bugs and a larger one. I just fixed them, they got merged a couple months later.

If I had not used it everyone would either not be able to use the docker API or have a buggier shard.

If the author had not written it, that project (which I use and wrote for myself) would not exist.

So sure, a balancing act, but I try to err on the generous side.


I used this to create a simple Matrix class for linear algebra which is 2D array in my case. Due to the issue instead of array inheritance i used a raw class Matrix(T) with internal @buffer object which is exactly Array( Array ( T ) ).