To use the Ncurses GUI library for Lua in a Go application, you need to bridge the Lua interpreter with the Go code. Here's a high-level approach to achieve this:
Embed a Lua Interpreter in Go: Use a Go package that allows embedding a Lua interpreter, such as gopher-lua.
Install the NCurses Lua Library: Ensure the Ncurses library for Lua is installed on your system. This might involve using LuaRocks or another package manager to install the Lua bindings for Ncurses.
Write Go Code to Interface with Lua: Use the Go Lua interpreter to load and execute Lua scripts that make use of the Ncurses library.
Here's a more detailed step-by-step guide:
1. Embed a Lua Interpreter in Go
First, you need to install the gopher-lua package:
Copy code
go get
2. Install the NCurses Lua Library
Ensure you have Lua and LuaRocks installed. Then, install the Ncurses library for Lua:
Copy code
luarocks install lcurses
3. Write Go Code to Interface with Lua
Here's an example of how you can set this up:
Example Go Code
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package main
import (
func main() {
L := lua.NewState()
defer L.Close()
// Load Lua libraries (optional, depending on your Lua scripts)
L.PreloadModule("lcurses", luaLImport("lcurses"))
// Execute a Lua script that uses the Ncurses library
if err := L.DoString(`
local curses = require("lcurses")
local stdscr = curses.initscr()
stdscr:mvaddstr(5, 5, "Hello, Ncurses from Lua in Go!")
`); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error executing Lua script: %v", err)
// luaLImport is a helper function to load a Lua module
func luaLImport(name string) lua.LGFunction {
return func(L *lua.LState) int {
mod := L.SetFuncs(L.NewTable(), map[string]lua.LGFunction{
// add your bindings here
return 1
Initialize the Lua state: lua.NewState() creates a new Lua interpreter instance.
Preload Lua libraries: You can preload any necessary Lua libraries, such as the lcurses library, using L.PreloadModule.
Execute Lua code: L.DoString runs a Lua script that utilizes the Ncurses library to perform GUI operations.
Handle errors: If there are any errors during the execution of the Lua script, they are logged and the program exits.
Ensure that your Go environment is properly set up and that you have the necessary Lua and Ncurses development libraries installed on your system.
The above code is a basic example. You might need to adapt it to your specific needs, such as loading Lua scripts from files or handling more complex interactions between Go and Lua.
By following these steps, you can integrate the Ncurses Lua GUI library within a Go application, leveraging the power of both languages.
Would the same approach work if the Lua interface had to read say, a string, from an entry widget and pass it to Go ?
Yes, the same approach can be adapted to work if the Lua interface needs to read a string from an entry widget and pass it to Go. This involves setting up a mechanism for communication between the Lua script and the Go code. Here's an example of how you can achieve this:
Embed a Lua Interpreter in Go: Use gopher-lua to embed a Lua interpreter in your Go application.
Install the NCurses Lua Library: Ensure the Ncurses library for Lua is installed.
Set Up Communication Between Lua and Go: Use the Lua interpreter to read a string from an entry widget and pass it back to Go.
Example Code
Here's a more detailed implementation:
Go Code
Copy code
package main
import (
func main() {
L := lua.NewState()
defer L.Close()
// Preload Lua libraries
L.PreloadModule("lcurses", luaLImport("lcurses"))
// Register a Go function to be called from Lua
L.SetGlobal("passToGo", L.NewFunction(passToGo))
// Execute Lua script
if err := L.DoString(`
local curses = require("lcurses")
local stdscr = curses.initscr()
stdscr:mvaddstr(5, 5, "Enter a string: ")
local input = stdscr:getstr()
stdscr:mvaddstr(7, 5, "You entered: " .. input)
`); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error executing Lua script: %v", err)
// Function to be called from Lua to pass data to Go
func passToGo(L *lua.LState) int {
luaInput := L.ToString(1) // Get the first argument passed from Lua
fmt.Println("Received from Lua:", luaInput)
// Perform any other actions with the received input
return 0
// luaLImport is a helper function to load a Lua module
func luaLImport(name string) lua.LGFunction {
return func(L *lua.LState) int {
mod := L.SetFuncs(L.NewTable(), map[string]lua.LGFunction{
// add your bindings here if needed
return 1
Initialize the Lua State: lua.NewState() creates a new Lua interpreter instance.
Preload Lua Libraries: Use L.PreloadModule to load the lcurses module.
Register Go Function: Register a Go function (passToGo) that can be called from Lua. This function will receive the input string from Lua.
Lua Script:
Initialize the Ncurses screen.
Display a prompt and read a string input from the user.
Call the registered Go function (passToGo) with the input string.
Pass Data to Go: The passToGo function in Go receives the input string from Lua and prints it. You can replace the print statement with any other logic you need to handle the input.
By following this approach, you can effectively pass data from a Lua-based GUI (using Ncurses) back to your Go code, enabling interaction between the two languages.
What if pasToGo() returns a value (to the Lua interpreter) ?
If the passToGo function needs to return a value to the Lua interpreter, you can modify it to push the return value onto the Lua stack. Here’s an example of how to achieve this:
Embed a Lua Interpreter in Go: Use gopher-lua to embed a Lua interpreter in your Go application.
Install the NCurses Lua Library: Ensure the Ncurses library for Lua is installed.
Set Up Communication Between Lua and Go with Return Values: Modify the Go function to return a value to Lua.
Example Code
Here's a more detailed implementation:
Go Code
Copy code
package main
import (
func main() {
L := lua.NewState()
defer L.Close()
// Preload Lua libraries
L.PreloadModule("lcurses", luaLImport("lcurses"))
// Register a Go function to be called from Lua
L.SetGlobal("passToGo", L.NewFunction(passToGo))
// Execute Lua script
if err := L.DoString(`
local curses = require("lcurses")
local stdscr = curses.initscr()
stdscr:mvaddstr(5, 5, "Enter a string: ")
local input = stdscr:getstr()
stdscr:mvaddstr(7, 5, "You entered: " .. input)
local result = passToGo(input)
print("Received from Go: " .. result)
`); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error executing Lua script: %v", err)
// Function to be called from Lua to pass data to Go and return a value
func passToGo(L *lua.LState) int {
luaInput := L.ToString(1) // Get the first argument passed from Lua
fmt.Println("Received from Lua:", luaInput)
// Process the input and prepare the return value
goOutput := "Processed: " + luaInput
L.Push(lua.LString(goOutput)) // Push the return value onto the Lua stack
return 1 // Number of return values
// luaLImport is a helper function to load a Lua module
func luaLImport(name string) lua.LGFunction {
return func(L *lua.LState) int {
mod := L.SetFuncs(L.NewTable(), map[string]lua.LGFunction{
// add your bindings here if needed
return 1
Initialize the Lua State: lua.NewState() creates a new Lua interpreter instance.
Preload Lua Libraries: Use L.PreloadModule to load the lcurses module.
Register Go Function: Register a Go function (passToGo) that can be called from Lua and return a value.
Lua Script:
Initialize the Ncurses screen.
Display a prompt and read a string input from the user.
Call the registered Go function (passToGo) with the input string and capture the return value.
Print the returned value from Go.
Pass Data to Go and Return a Value:
The passToGo function in Go receives the input string from Lua.
Processes the input and prepares a return value.
Pushes the return value onto the Lua stack using L.Push(lua.LString(goOutput)).
Returns the number of return values to Lua.
By following this approach, you can effectively pass data from a Lua-based GUI (using Ncurses) to your Go code and receive a response back in Lua, enabling a two-way communication between the two languages.
If I wrote an app using this scheme, would the users receiving the app also need to install the Lua Ncurses package ?
Yes, if you write an app using this scheme, the users would need to have the Lua Ncurses package installed on their systems for the application to work correctly. The Lua Ncurses library is a separate dependency that your Lua code relies on, and without it, the Lua scripts won't be able to execute the Ncurses-related functions.
However, you can streamline this process and make it easier for your users by bundling the necessary dependencies or providing a straightforward installation script. Here are a few approaches to manage this:
1. Bundling Dependencies
You can bundle the Lua interpreter and the Ncurses library with your application. This approach ensures that all necessary components are included and configured correctly.
Static Linking: If possible, statically link the Ncurses library with the Lua interpreter. This approach might be complex depending on your operating system and the availability of static libraries.
Include Precompiled Libraries: Distribute precompiled versions of the Lua interpreter and Ncurses library with your application. Ensure you include instructions or a script to set up the environment correctly.
2. Provide an Installation Script
Create a script that installs all necessary dependencies. This script can be written in shell script for Unix-based systems or batch/Powershell for Windows.
Example Shell Script:
Copy code
# Install Lua and LuaRocks
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y lua5.3 luarocks
# Install Lua Ncurses
luarocks install lcurses
# Run the Go application
3. Docker Container
Package your application and all its dependencies into a Docker container. Users would only need Docker installed on their systems to run your application.
Example Dockerfile:
Copy code
FROM golang:1.18-buster
# Install Lua and LuaRocks
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y lua5.3 luarocks
# Install Lua Ncurses
RUN luarocks install lcurses
# Copy your Go application
COPY your_go_application /usr/local/bin/your_go_application
# Set the entrypoint
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/your_go_application"]
4. Documentation
Provide clear documentation on how to install the necessary dependencies. This documentation should include:
Steps to install Lua and LuaRocks.
Command to install the Ncurses library (luarocks install lcurses).
Any other dependencies required by your application.
Example Documentation:
Copy code
# Installation Instructions
1. Install Lua and LuaRocks
- On Debian-based systems: `sudo apt-get install -y lua5.3 luarocks`
- On macOS: `brew install lua luarocks`
2. Install the Lua Ncurses library
- Run `luarocks install lcurses`
3. Run the Go application
- Execute `./your_go_application`
By following one of these approaches, you can ensure that users have a smoother experience when installing and running your application, minimizing the manual steps they need to perform.
Would it not be possible to bundle the Lua lcurses library with the Go app ?
Yes, it is possible to bundle the Lua lcurses library with your Go application. This approach ensures that all the necessary components are included in your application package, so users do not have to install lcurses separately. Here’s how you can achieve this:
Steps to Bundle the Lua lcurses Library with Your Go App
Compile the Lua lcurses Library: Ensure that you have the compiled lcurses library files that are compatible with your target systems.
Embed Lua Scripts and Libraries in Go: Use Go’s embed package to include the Lua scripts and compiled lcurses library files in your Go application.
Setup the Lua Environment in Go: Configure the Lua state in your Go application to use the embedded lcurses library.
Example Implementation
Step 1: Compile the Lua lcurses Library
Make sure you have the lcurses shared library (.so, .dll, or .dylib depending on the platform). You can compile this library from source if necessary.
Step 2: Embed Lua Scripts and Libraries in Go
Use Go’s embed package to embed the Lua scripts and the lcurses library in your application.
Create a directory structure like this:
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lua/ (or lcurses.dll or lcurses.dylib)
Use the embed package in your Go code:
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package main
import (
// Embed the Lua scripts and lcurses library
//go:embed lua/*
var luaFiles embed.FS
func main() {
L := lua.NewState()
defer L.Close()
// Extract the lcurses library to a temporary directory
tempDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "lcurses")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to create temp dir: %v", err)
defer os.RemoveAll(tempDir)
lcursesPath := filepath.Join(tempDir, "") // Adjust extension as needed
lcursesData, err := luaFiles.ReadFile("lua/")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to read lcurses library: %v", err)
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(lcursesPath, lcursesData, 0755); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to write lcurses library: %v", err)
// Set LUA_CPATH to include the temporary directory
L.SetGlobal("package", L.GetField(L.GetGlobal("package"), "cpath"))
cpath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/?.so;%s", tempDir, L.GetField(L.GetGlobal("package"), "cpath").String())
L.SetField(L.GetGlobal("package"), "cpath", lua.LString(cpath))
// Load and execute the Lua script
script, err := luaFiles.ReadFile("lua/script.lua")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to read Lua script: %v", err)
if err := L.DoString(string(script)); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error executing Lua script: %v", err)
Step 3: Lua Script Using lcurses
In lua/script.lua:
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local curses = require("lcurses")
local stdscr = curses.initscr()
stdscr:mvaddstr(5, 5, "Enter a string: ")
local input = stdscr:getstr()
stdscr:mvaddstr(7, 5, "You entered: " .. input)
-- Call the Go function to pass data back and forth
local result = passToGo(input)
print("Received from Go: " .. result)
Embedding Files: The embed package is used to include the lcurses library and Lua script in the Go binary.
Extracting the Library: The embedded lcurses library is extracted to a temporary directory at runtime.
Configuring LUA_CPATH: The LUA_CPATH is configured to include the temporary directory where the lcurses library is extracted, ensuring that Lua can find and load it.
Executing Lua Script: The Lua script is loaded from the embedded files and executed.
This approach allows you to bundle the Lua lcurses library with your Go application, so users do not need to install it separately.