Can someone reach out to Primeagen, the Youtuber?

Hi Crystal wizards. This is my first post here. Crystal is awesome.

This Primeagen guy is pretty popular, and it seems like he could help grow the Crystal community if he got to know it.

There’s this video about his search for a new lang for this year:

I wonder, if someone on the Crystal design team pinged him, could it lead to some good Crystal discussion and growth?


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Crystal didn’t have a good tree sitter back when this was recorded. It does now :sunglasses:


Thanks for finding this @nobodywasishere. I didn’t think about searching for older vids. It would still be cool for a Crystal master to chat with him. Maybe even do an interview.

He is reachable via his Discord server, but my understanding from his recent videos is that Crystal may not align with the type of language he is looking to work with. That being said, Crystal could appear as a complete curve ball to him and turn out to be a language he really likes. :eyes:

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Thanks for this info.

Honestly, the guy just wants to do Zig, but he wants someone to just tell him to do it first. It kinda sounds like he wants C with “modern” spelling. Maybe he’s anti-GC. Shrug.

I will try to reach out on Discord. Cheers.


I think part of the appeal of these other languages for someone like Primeagen is the stuff that has been written in the language. Stuff like terminal UIs (GhosTTY, Alacritty, WezTerm) and GPU code. Crystal would also excel at these. Another is WebAssembly, which I’m working on with Crystal right now.


WASM+Crystal sounds quite cool. I played around with Ruby in the browser a little, but I couldn’t figure out how to work around the strict sandbox.