Linux Mint package install failure for version crystal1.11_1.11.0-1+1.1_amd64.deb

Getting an error processing archive when the _remove deb
Error: Installation has failed.
If you’d like to file a bug report please include ‘/var/log/nala/dpkg-debug.log’

Error: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/crystal1.11_1.11.0-1+1.1_amd64.deb (–unpack):

Error: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/crystal1.11_1.11.0-1+1.1_amd64.deb (–unpack):
trying to overwrite ‘/usr/bin/crystal’, which is also in package crystal1.10 1.10.1-1+4.30
trying to overwrite ‘/usr/bin/crystal’, which is also in package crystal1.10 1.10.1-1+4.30

Errors were encountered while processing:

crystal 1.10 remains installed and functional, previous installs were quite functional and robust over time in my experience.

/var/log/nala/dpkg-debug.log contents are here:

Doesn’t seem tied to nala as other package management in mint seems to break on the 1.11 package … it’s essentially keeping the 1.10 binary for some strange reason?

For whatever reason it happened, the way I was able to resolve the issue was by using synaptic, in this case the gui version. explicitly removing the 1.10 version, and then installing (again explicitly) the 1.11 version. once that was done it seems to be installed and works. So I fixed my own issue, with some help from folks in the #linuxmint-help channel on IRC hopefully this helps someone blocked installing 1.11 or maybe a later version if this happens again.

Looks like the crystal1.11 packages don’t declare that it provids the same thing as crystal1.10 and cannot be installed at the same time. It works between crystal1.10 and crystal1.9, so it must be a change that happened since last release. I’ll take a look at that.

The regression was already in crystal1.10. It still worked between it and crystal1.9 because it’s sufficient as long as either of the packages declares a conflict, and crystal1.9 did.

I added the missing Conflicts: and the packages should be fixed now. You may need to update the package index.