Simplified Chinese Translation Plan for Reference Docs

Hi folks,

I am a native Chinese speaker and an undergrad student in the US, I’d like to help our community to build the SC translation of the Reference Docs.

It seems like we already have the Japanese and Traditional Chinese translations of the Reference Docs, which are really great for our community. And now I want to push it further to the Simplified Chinese so that a lot of people in China can get familiar with Crystal in a much easier way.

I wonder how I can get help from the team (requesting the “zh” subdomain for the docs), whether we already have an SC translation plan, and if any other people want to join us.


Seems like one translation effort was already started but abandoned
So maybe check if those people can help too.

EDIT: Oh, I’m probably just linking the Traditional Chinese translation that you already mentioned


The most successful translation is GitHub - crystal-jp/ Crystal 言語の公式ドキュメントを日本語に翻訳するプロジェクト
- you can try to follow whatever they’re doing.
The domain name comes later, when there’s already something to show, but you don’t need the domain name to start, just have a MkDocs site and publish it on GitHub Pages

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