

I searched for a Github bioinformatics team that uses the Crystal language. Like BioPython, BioJulia, Rust-Bio.

However, it seems that such a team did not exist. So I created a BioCrystal team on Github. This is just a placeholder. I’m sure there are people who are better suited to create BioCrystal than I am.

Get invite to BioCrystal Slack


Interesting, thx for sharing!! c:

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Link moved to GitHub - manastech/biocrystal: BioCrystal

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Oh, sorry, I changed it to bio-cr because I felt bio-crystal was too long, for example when writing shards.

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If you haven’t read it yet, I recommend reading Heng Li’s blog post.

Heng Li is one of the world’s top bioinformaticians. Much of today’s genomic research depends on the software he created and the file formats they created.