ISM - Ingenius System Manager (Linux)

Unfortunately, there was none.

For the record: crystal tool format does not care about how you style your identifiers.
It concerns itself with whitespace and interpuctation to ensure a cohesive format, but that’s all. Everything else is job of a linter and should be configurable to adopt to different needs.
But crystal tool format has non-configurability as a feature. Its minimal editing should be agreeable enough for almost everybody.


Hi everyone, I just put a quick message during my break.

I agree with Remilia too to be honest, I am not fan of that syntax. And I think if we leave the liberty to name the things in a different way, that is good to respect that liberty. Or the compiler should impose it.

Anyway, I don’t think that is the most important.

Just another thing, no, I never coded in Javascript ah ah. It’s funny you say that. I used ruby as first language, then C++ and assembly x86 FASM too.

For the test zw63, I will be very happy you test it. I just recommend you to wait a bit until I do some adjustment. I need to update the wiki, and to remove the virtualbox image, both are too old.

I will publish another message when it will be ready

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I am curious about one thing you said, what is refactor?

CamelCase is not a big deal anyway, as long as the project remains consistent is okay.

What i said refactor mostly stand for:

  1. format code use crystal tool format, i like automatic this process when i am coding, whatever use ruby, elixir, rust, some languages is configurable, but most of them just do following one style.

  2. Codes can be improve(simplify), safely, do things the Ruby way. (here the ruby way stand for a style, AFAIK, something unique to Crystal but missing in Ruby, usually without any issues, most of the issues actually come from things unique to Ruby/Crystal.

  3. introduce ameba, this is one of the biggest advantage when use Crystal. (When use with Ruby, we are using rubocop.

BTW, ameba is configurable.


When you said that, have you got example? I would like to listen from you if you saw something can be improved.

I will answer to your last message just after

Sorry, a little busy, i will select one of file do some refactor in recent days as a example when i am free.

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No worries, I am too. You give me time as well to make my software ready for your test. It’s almost ready.

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As a former Slackware user(Arch linux now), hope can good understand your’s ISM.


Hi guys, just to let you know I finished to update the github presentation of my project, and specially the WIKI !

Now you will be able normally to test my project almost without help.

I recommand you when you clone the project to stay on that commit actually:


If you have any problem don’t hesitate to ask me.

I am actually thinking to restructure my project to get help from other developers. zw963 had to fight a bit with me to make me change :sweat_smile: But it’s for the best

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I have a question guys, someone have experience and know how I can make a liveCD of my generated system by ISM?

Because I would like to provide a liveISO to simplify the installation

Before you perform any test with ISM, wait the end of the week guys, I am actually performing a huge update I planned since a while in the ISM code and repositories.

Just be a bit patient

I would like to submit my poll to the community, because I am thinking actually to rename my software.

Actually it’s call ISM (Ingenius System Manager). I had a nice idea yesterday, it’s to name it : resolve.

I think that name is really meaningful. What do you think ?

What’s name sound better for this new system/package manager for Linux?

  • ism (Ingenius System Manager)
  • resolve (new name)
0 voters

Thanks a lot for your votes. According to the results, I will keep it like that

Hi guys. I have a new request to the community.

Basically, my very end goal is to make my own Linux distribution, based with my project ISM.

I would like to ask you if some of you have good ideas for my distribution name.
I am still looking for a name, and it’s not so easy to find something I really like.

Basically, this distribution can be built completely from zero, you can make your own tool chain and choose every single piece of the system.

You can do very advanced configuration in a easy way. Will be rolling release. But without compromise with security.

So basically that are some name I am thinking about:

  • Nexius
  • Nexion
  • Hexeon ( I am quite happy of that one)
  • Cyberion
0 voters

I like the hexagon connection, because of Crystal and the bees’ hive construction pattern. But Hexeon exists as a security thing. How about Hexanux?

Arf that is quite annoying.

I am not completely fan of hexanux to be honest :smiling_face_with_tear: But I am happy to listen any idea.

I would like to keep definitely the part eon or xeon, sound good. Maybe change the word at the beginning ?

I am seriously considering the name Hyperion, or something close to that.

There must be 200 things called Hyperion :-D

There is an ancient Dilbert strip where they are trying to name a product and the only names left are diseases, so it ends up being called “seborrhea”