Using Amber -- Not sure if installed right

After I installed the amber, and am told i have the latest version, when I enter in bash

amber new

I’m told that amber is not istalled, it suggests amber c, but then this isn’t installed either.

What’s the exact error? If it’s a binary is it in PATH?

Command 'amber' not found, did you mean:

  command 'amberc' from deb amber (0.0~git20171010.cdade1c-1)

Try: sudo apt install <deb name>

I can check if it’s in PATH. do I use root for that ?

root bin/PATH ?

I changed directory to

amber- stable

then used

shards install

I get these cautions

Shard "inflector" version (0.1.8) doesn't match tag version (1.0.0)
Shard "micrate" version (0.10.0) doesn't match tag version (0.11.0)

Shard "callback" may be incompatible with Crystal 1.1.1
Shard "optarg" may be incompatible with Crystal 1.1.1
Shard "cli" may be incompatible with Crystal 1.1.1
Shard "compiled_license" may be incompatible with Crystal 1.1.1

this is silly it says to put make install, but I had to put sudo make install

I’d checkout Getting Started - Amber Framework. Seems you need to cd into that directory and run some commands to build/install the amber binary. Then, ensure it’s in PATH. Then you can use it to generate new projects among other things: CLI - Amber Framework.

Unfortunately Amber hasn’t seemed too active lately :confused:. Guess the CLI is a bit outdated based on those warnings.

Is there a better framework to have in my stack?

Depending on what exactly you’re wanting to do, you have quite a few options. I’d checkout GitHub - veelenga/awesome-crystal: A collection of awesome Crystal libraries, tools, frameworks and software. Are a few other forums threads that go into pros/cons of each.

it’s getting late, but i can look at these.

did we talk about modifing a .yml file ?

I think they use yaml for configuration yea.