10 years of Crystal celebratory AMA

Running up to Crystal’s 10th anniversary, we are excited to announce that we’ll be having an AMA session on Monday, September 5th at 4pm (GMT), to discuss the history of the language, some cases and what the future holds.

Mark your calendars!

September 5th 16:00 UTC
Disclaimer: Timezone information provided AS IS

:us:(PST) 9am
:us:(EST) 12pm
:argentina: :brazil:(Brasilia) 1pm
GMT 4pm
:england:(BST) 5pm
:eu: (CEST) 6pm
:jp: (JST) 1am
:australia: 2am

The streaming options are:

Questions will be taken from the following channels:

  • On the community Discord in the channel #ama-questions
  • On Twitter via the hashtag #Crystal10yearAMA
  • Or in the Zoom chat.

Expect to see the recorded content on Youtube, sure including subtitles(cc)


What will the medium and platform be for the AMA?

Probably Zoom + Reddit, but the actual details will be provided closer to the date.


For the ones like me that googled what AMA means, it isn’t Afghan Medical Aid neither Asociacion Modelos Argentinas or Asian Motorcycle Adventures but Ask Me Anything.


Thanks for the clarification, @hugopl :sweat_smile: ! I’m definitively not planning to model :rofl:

We’ll post details soon, but basically we’ll be taking questions from the community (that is, you) either in Zoom or Discord, and post them to core team members and industry people who are running Crystal in production.

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Hi, core team, i bring a question here, i really hope we can discuss it on AMA.

People in the mountains, beware! I just fixed the timezone information. It’s 9am PST and 10am MST


UPDATE (This is happening in 3:30hs!):

The streaming options are:

Questions will be taken from the following channels:

  • On the community Discord in the channel #ama-questions
  • On Twitter via the hashtag #Crystal10yearAMA
  • Or in the Zoom chat.

For anyone late to the party, the recording is available at Crystal's 10th Anniversary AMA - YouTube


Why (auto)CC still not available? i don’t know how Youtube generate English subtitles, but, i guess it should be generated because 24 hours have passed?

EDIT: if we can re-upload to make auto cc works?

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Youtube took some time to understand us. I can’t blame it :joy: ! Now CC “works”.

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How can Crystal not be good, if we took the design from God itself? :joy:
Still, for the minutes I watched it’s easy to get pass these little AI mistakes.