Crystal and He4rt Developers

Hey guys! Hope everything is ok!

If you already know me from somewhere or have seen the presentation of Crystal ambassadors, you know that I am very proud to say that I am one of the ambassadors, bringing content about Crystal to the Brazilian technology communities, so on July 23rd (on Sunday) at 2 pm in Brazil (UTC -3) and 5 pm in UTC +0, I will be giving a presentation about Crystal: an introduction to the language and everything it has to offer!

He4rt Developers is the community of developers in Brazil that I love and care about for being a community that welcomed me, making me what I am today, producing educational content that was essential for my professional and personal growth. Today I can say that I already contributed twice with two study guides within the community, with content for the LPI-E1 certification and of course with an incredible guide in Portuguese for an introduction to Crystal, making me finally able to be part of the ambassadors! None of this would be possible without the He4rt Developers community.

Therefore, as one of the forms of contribution, I will present this content online, at a pleasant time, free of charge for everyone who wants to participate. The content itself will be presented mostly in Portuguese, but soon I intend to make a presentation in English!

I’m waiting for you there! Thank you very much! From the community to the community. Da comunidade para a comunidade :purple_heart: :black_heart:


i’ll be there and i’m anxiety to see what you gonna teach for all of us :blush:


May Sunday come soon!