as I’ve already mentioned in my introduction, I’d love to have a conference about Crystal in Europe. I ran a low budget barcamp without about 100 participants in Munich four years ago (see here).
I have been contemplating about doing something similar over the weekend, but just for crystal.
Turns out, I could get a location with one big room and a small one, pretty central in Munich with a good subway connection (would be able to acoomodate up to a hundred).
The way I’d imagine this would be a full unconference with no defined agenda, two days of talks/hacking (likely over the weekend), no fancy location, but a pragmatic one with internet, no big parties, no gadget bags, no binge drinking, no fancy baristas). Biggest costs are the food (healthy food is important to me, pizzas all day long are not considered healthy :-) and enough drinks (warm and cold) over the course of two days.
So, in order to think about executing this further I’d like to get a bit of feedback
- First and foremost: Is there interest from a participant point of view in Europe, especially Munich?
- Second: Are there potential sponsors who would like to help? As a sponsor you dont get a talk slot, but the warm fuzzy feeling of sponsoring a community event. When I organized the above linked barcamp it was easy to find local sponsors, but I imagine it to be much harder with crystal as a topic due to its not so widespread adoption. My worldwide crystal connections are not super big, I would rely on some help here.
- Third: Has anyone planned something similar in Europe, so that I would waste my time, which I really do not want to? :-)
- Fourth: There are no definite dates, only during this year.
Happy to get any feedback! Also feel free to drop me an email if you have further questions, alr+crystal at spinscale dot de