Offering Discounts for Open Source Work

Hi there,

Starting this month, I’m offering discounts to Open Source work. The discounts I provide for open source projects offer a huge 35% discount from my standard rate structure.

DM me to learn about my open source rates!

I’ve written/contributed to a few crystal projects, all of which can be seen on my github:

Here are a couple of highlights:
An http middleware to capture Postgres Read Only errors and pass along headers so can properly replay the request at main · superfly/ · GitHub

My shard jumpstart, so I can provide great, new shards for anything new you might want to bring me in to undertake

For avram query group counting, I dug deep into will/crystal-pg:

And finally, I recently put together a shopify API client in crystal:

Feel free to DM me to hear about my service offerings!


Wow! I didn’t know that I could charge a Crystal Lang project with my discounted rates when I implemented debugging support for Crystal. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

It is okay maybe to charge the rates for commercial services, but not for open source work.
But this is my opinion.

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If somebody would like to have a library created specific to their needs, I’m open to doing that work.
Just because it’s open source doesn’t mean that work should be free.

A great example would be the shard I made for
GitHub - superfly/ Crystal HTTP middleware to handle multi-region postgres replays.

Fly paid me to write that code because they wanted it done, and I don’t see anything wrong with that.

In a similar vein, Manas pays for open source work. (Source: Call for Crystal Language Devs! - #4 by beta-ziliani), so I really don’t understand where the tone of your message comes in.